Home Health & Fitness A drink with breakfast could keep your blood sugar stabilized whole day...

A drink with breakfast could keep your blood sugar stabilized whole day – but make sure it’s the right one

A drink with breakfast could keep your blood sugar stabilized whole day - but make sure it’s the right one
A drink with breakfast could keep your blood sugar stabilized whole day - but make sure it’s the right one

Metabolic diseases are on the rise globally, but efforts to combat the prevalence of diabetes remain steadfast. Encouragingly, research indicates that small modifications in daily habits can have a significant impact on the progression of the disease.

Water is arguably the most effective beverage for managing blood sugar levels since it helps remove a greater amount of blood glucose. Additionally, studies have indicated that protein-fortified milk may have enduring effects on blood sugar regulation.

In 2018, a study published in the Journal of Dairy Science discovered that pairing milk with breakfast cereal led to a significant decrease in blood sugar levels throughout the day. The research was conducted by the Human Nutraceutical Research Unit at the University of Guelph, in conjunction with the University of Toronto.

The study found that the most notable impact on blood sugar regulation occurred when consuming milk fortified with whey protein.

The goal of the research was to find out how high-protein milk consumption affected satiety after the morning’s first and second meals.

The randomized, controlled, and double-blind research showed that raising the content of whey protein in milk might be advantageous for a variety of reasons.

Such naturally occurring milk proteins promote the release of a stomach hormone that slows digestion and heightens a sense of fullness.

The effects of whey protein happen quickly, while the effects of casein on blood sugar last longer.

The amount of food taken at lunch hardly changed when whey protein consumption was doubled at breakfast, according to research.

Consuming milk along with high-protein milk during breakfast led to a continued decrease in blood glucose levels, extending even after lunch. Moreover, the positive effect was further amplified with the use of high-protein milk.

“Milk with an increased proportion of whey protein has a modest effect on pre-lunch blood glucose, achieving a greater decrease than that provided by regular milk,” according to Science Direct.

But some experts cautioned that individuals seeking to sustain healthy blood sugar levels should not assume that all types of milk are suitable for consumption.

“Unlike dairy milk, the sugar in oat milk is a specific type called maltose. It has an extremely high GI rating [of] 105,” says pharmist Giulia Guerrini.

“For comparison, regular fat milk has a GI rating between 31 and 34, and anything about 70 is considered high.”

According to the expert, individuals with type 2 diabetes cannot produce adequate insulin to regulate blood sugar levels, and consequently, foods and beverages with high glycemic index (GI) values, such as oat milk, should be avoided altogether.

Importantly, for best blood sugar management, dietary adjustments must be combined with regular exercise.

For better outcomes, physiotherapist Sammy Margo of Deep Heat and Deep Freeze, experts in muscle and joint treatment, advises include more activity in daily routines.

Regular exercise lowers the chance of developing diabetes by 50%, mostly by increasing insulin and blood glucose sensitivity.

“Incidental exercise like walking to the train stations, even from a nearby car park, popping out from the office for a sandwich, walking up stairs or walking across the office to speak to a colleague will improve blood sugar levels,” adds the physiotherapist.

The expert says that it is just as important for overall health to build muscle over time.

Ms. Margo further adds: “This can help reduce blood glucose as the body learns to store glucose as the body learns to store glucose in the muscle rather than the bloodstream.”

Image Credit: Getty

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