Home Health & Fitness A symptom of lung cancer that could hide in the armpits

A symptom of lung cancer that could hide in the armpits

A symptom of lung cancer that could hide in the armpits
Image Credit: Pixabay

Lung cancer can become a time bomb, as it sometimes goes unnoticed in the early stages. The Cancer Research UK organization explained what signal could indicate that the tumor has already spread to other organs.

The British organization warned that lumps or swollen areas in a person’s armpits or neck may be a sign that lung cancer has affected their lymph nodes.

These nodules are part of a complicated system of tubes and glands that filters body fluids and helps our bodies fight infection.

However, it’s not a general symptom, although you need to see your doctor if you’ve noticed that your lymph nodes are swollen. If the disease is diagnosed early, the patient will most likely undergo surgery. However, if the body is too weak or the cancer cells have already spread to other parts of the body, they will be destroyed through radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

Among the general symptoms of lung cancer are:

  • cough that lasts for several weeks
  • cough that gets worse
  • chronic lung infections
  • coughing up blood
  • pain when breathing or coughing
  • short of breath
  • fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • weightloss

According to data from the World Cancer Research Fund, in 2018 there were more than two million new cases of lung cancer in the world.

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