Home Health & Fitness Avocado bone: its main benefits and the best way to consume it

Avocado bone: its main benefits and the best way to consume it

Avocado bone: its main benefits and the best way to consume it

The avocado has gained great popularity among the healthiest foods thanks to its properties, but what few know is that the nutrients of its seed can also be used in a tea.

70% of the amino acids containing avocado seeds are in, also known as bone, not to mention having a large number of soluble fibers and high in vitamins C and D.

As directed by several nutritionists, which shared a simple recipe to prepare an avocado pit tea that consists of removing the pit from the fleshy part, washing it with water, boiling it in a liter of water for 15 minutes, and removing the seed before consuming it.

The benefits of avocado pit tea are:

● Its fatty acids improve circulation.

● It fights the aging of cells thanks to its large amount of antioxidants.

● Prevents cardiovascular diseases since the amino acids it contains help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

● Its nutrients represent an energy load for the body, this allows to combat physical and mental fatigue.

● Reduces the risk of contracting tumors thanks to the fact that it contains flavonoids.

● It fights bacteria and strengthens the immune system by improving the body’s defenses.

● Helps in the production of collagen, consequently, it delays the aging of the skin.

● Its astringents improve digestion and help combat gastrointestinal problems such as inflammation, diarrhea and constipation.

● Its anti-inflammatory properties help treat muscle aches.

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