Home Health & Fitness Doctor named two vegatables that can actually raise your blood sugar

Doctor named two vegatables that can actually raise your blood sugar

Doctor named two vegatables that can actually raise your blood sugar
Image Credit: Getty

Type-2 diabetes means the lower part of the stomach also known as pancreas are unable to produce enough insulin or the insulin it produces is not being accepted by the cells.

Insulin or a gland located behind your stomach responsible for regulating blood sugar is the main type of sugar found in blood.

Unbalanced blood sugar levels can cause a streat of destruction on the body. If you have diabetes type 2, you should look for ways of mimicking the effects of insulin.

A healthy diet helps producing this effect and there are a number of elements that can affect how quickly food is broken down into glucose (blood sugar).

The quicker a food item is digested, the more pronounced its impact on blood sugar levels.

Doctor Ralph Abraham, a Consultant in Diabetes, Lipid Disorders and Endocrinology from King Edward VII’s Hospital, says that certain vegetables have a high glycaemic index.

The glycaemic index (GI) is a rating system for foods having carbs.

It shows how quickly each food affects your blood sugar (glucose) level when that food is eaten on its own.

Carbohydrate foods that are broken down quickly by your body and cause a rapid increase in blood glucose have a high GI rating.

Tomatoes and potatoes stand out as being commonly perceived as having a high glycaemic index whereas conversely sweet potato, which tastes sweeter, has a lower glycaemic index

explained doctor Abraham.

Tomatoes in particular can vary enormously in their inherent sugar contents so the type of tomato and their ripeness are major determinants.

But, as he further explained, not all vegetables are same.

There are over 300 varieties of potato and salad potatoes, or potatoes that maintain their structure after cooking, that do not cause as much glucose rise as potatoes made for mash

The longer a vegetable takes to become edible – and this is also true of mature varieties of carrot or potato – it generally follows then that they have a lower glycaemic index (GI), he said.

Low or medium GI foods are broken down more slowly and cause a gradual rise in blood sugar levels over time.

And it is not just the vegetable type that matters but how it is cooked and presented; warm cooked vegetables produce greater rises than cold and mashed vegetables more than left natural.

According to doctor Abraham, the lower the fat content of vegetables, the slower the rate glucose is broken down.

He explained:

A baked potato with butter will be less glycaemic than one without the butter and crisps, full of fat, have lower glycaemic potential than the same weight of potatoes cooked differently.

To stabilise blood sugar levels when choosing vegetables, you should opt for fresh vegetables, cooking them minimally.

Alternatively, choosing older, larger vegetables and cooking them with olive oil will help you enjoy your vegetables without worrying too much about glucose rises, he added.

Image Credit: Getty

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