Home Health & Fitness Expert reveals best and worst foods if you have Type 2 diabetes

Expert reveals best and worst foods if you have Type 2 diabetes

Expert reveals the best and worst foods if you have Type 2 diabetes
Image Credit: Getty

If you have diabetes, in many ways your medicine becomes your diet. When foods you eat daily are high in carbohydrates, fat, and sodium, they increase your risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, weight gain, heart disease, and uncontrolled sugar.

While speaking exclusively to the Express, Sr. Clinical Advisor of Diabetes UK Emma Elvin shared the best you should eat and worst foods you should avoid if you have already developed or having the symptoms of this condition.

“There is no one-size-fits-all diet for diabetes,” stated Elvin.

“Choosing wholegrain carbohydrates and eating more fruit and veg are great ways to start,” added Elvin.

Whole grains examples:

  • Brown rice
  • Buckwheat
  • Whole oats

“It’s important to note that having diabetes doesn’t mean you have to have a completely sugar-free diet,” Elvin commented.

She explained that fruits contain natural sugars, and are much better options than “added sugars” (i.e. free sugars) found in cakes and biscuits.

In addition, “opting for healthier fats like rapeseed, sunflower, or olive oil” is advised.

Meanwhile, a reduction in “salt, red and processed meats” is key in having a healthier diet.

Red and processed meat examples:

  • Ham
  • Bacon
  • Sausages
  • Beef
  • Lamb

“You can still enjoy a wide variety of foods [if you have type 2 diabetes],” she assured.

Instead, you can swap red and processed meat for beans, lentils, eggs, chicken, turnkey or unsalted nuts.

And instead of salt, you can get creative with different types of herbs and spices to add flavor to your dishes.

“Making healthier food choices and being more active can help to reduce risk,” certified Elvin.

Image Credit: Getty

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