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Five home remedies to get rid of unexpected sunburn and prevent it next time

Five home remedies to get rid of unexpected sunburn and prevent it next time
Image Credit: Getty

Most of us have suffered an accidental sunburn. Maybe you didn’t plan to go outdoors and neglected the sunscreen; maybe you didn’t reapply later in the day, or you just missed a spot.

Whatever happened, your skin is hot, throbbing and lobster-colored. Now what?

According to dermatologist Melissa Piliang, MD:

“It’s really important to make sure you’re hydrating well.

“Drink a lot of water. Sports drinks that replenish electrolytes can also help.”

But here’s more you can do to get rid of sunburn and prevent it next time.

Baking soda and oats can help

Baking soda is a miracle cure for almost everything, and it turns out sunburn is no different.

Throw a few heaped teaspoons of baking soda into a bathtub of cool water and soak in it for about 20 minutes, which helps to minimise sun damage.

Adding a cup of oats to the bath also soothes irritation and helps the skin retain its natural moisture.

But don’t scrub your skin either in the bath or when you’re out, and dab yourself with a soft, dry towel rather than rubbing.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea isn’t just good for soothing a stressed mind or unwinding after a long day – it’s excellent for sunburned skin.

Brew the tea as you normally would and let it fully cool down, you can pop it in the fridge to speed this up.

When it’s ready, soak a washcloth in the tea and apply it all over the affected areas.

However, if you’re allergic to pollen then don’t use this treatment as it could cause an allergic reaction within the skin.

Aloe vera

If you don’t own an aloe vera plant, then that’s the first point of action as it’s a plant known to heal all kinds of ailments and one that’s been used for hundreds of years.

Aloe vera is also the go-to sunburn relief for most people as it’s commonly found over the counter.

Breaking off a chunk of the plant and applying the gel directly to your burned skin provides immediate, soothing relief from the sting of minor sunburn.

If you can’t get your hands on a plant, opt for a 100 percent aloe vera gel (not aloe-based body lotion or oil), which can be found in most pharmacies.

Coconut oil

Coconut is one of those natural products that’s really gained popularity in recent years thanks to its moisturising properties.

But it’s great for treating sunburn as it’s known to reduce inflammation.

Wait one day after your sunburn and use a plain, natural coconut oil and rub it all over the affected areas.

For a preventative measure, apply some coconut oil alongside sunscreen before heading out.

Cucumbers and tomatoes

They aren’t just a salad staple – both tomatoes and cucumbers help relieve discomfort and inflammation.

Rub chilled slices of cucumber on your skin burn to relieve the pain, and once they heat up, flip it over and use the cooler side.

You can also apply tomato slices to soothe a bad burn, but eating them helps protect you against future burning too.

Studies have shown that eating tomatoes help protect you against UV rays.

Dr. Piliang advises:

“Take a cool bath or shower to bring the temperature of your skin down.”

This helps reduce inflammation. Make it short, though — excessive time in the water dries out your skin.

And to prevent it, the doctors says: “Find shade.”

She also recommends keeping a hat in your car (and ideally wearing one any time you’re out in the sun). Tightly woven fabric is best, as is a brim that’s two to three inches wide so it protects your face, ears and neck.

You can also wash your clothing in a treatment designed to boost their natural ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) from UPF 5 to UPF 30.

Simply add the treatment to your normal laundry cycle, and it’ll last for 20 washes.

Image Credit: Getty

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