Home Health & Fitness Foods that raise blood glucose levels the most

Foods that raise blood glucose levels the most

Foods that raise blood glucose levels the most
Photo by: BSIP/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

People with diabetes must regularly monitor their blood glucose levels and diet plays a fundamental role in this.

For people with diabetes, regular control of their blood glucose levels is essential, to avoid episodes of hyperglycemia (high blood glucose increase) or hypoglycemia (significant decrease in glucose). And in this aspect, food plays a fundamental role.

Hyperglycemia is something that tends to occur more easily in people with type 2 diabetes. This occurs because many people make mistakes when eating and cause an involuntary increase in blood glucose levels.

Therefore, people with diabetes should know which foods contain a higher glycemic index. This is an aspect that is also beneficial for the entire population since the constant accumulation of glucose in the blood can be detrimental to health.

Everyday foods that raise blood sugar

There are a large number of foods that tend to increase blood glucose levels, especially in people with diabetes. Although, we are going to focus on those that we usually consume in our daily lives, such as:

  • Bread
  • Sugar
  • Honey
  • Noodles
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Sugary cereals
  • Ice creams
  • Refined wheat flour
  • Corn starch, cassava
  • Noodles
  • Jams
  • Bakery and pastry products
  • Caramel sauce
  • Sweet potato
  • Sweet cookies

It should be noted that there are no prohibited foods for people with diabetes. However, these foods mentioned above are not recommended for this type of patients, since they constitute a significant increase in blood glucose.

Nutritious elements that lower the glycemic index

As we find a series of foods that increase blood glucose levels, there are also a variety of nutrients and products that significantly help lower blood glucose levels; as well as to maintain healthy levels in the body regularly.

  1. Protein combination: Cheese, eggs, lean meats or dairy products.
  2. Fiber: Fruits with skin, vegetable salads, wheat bran, oatmeal or whole grains.
  3. Combination of fats from vegetable oils (olive, sunflower … etc.)
  4. In order not to increase blood glucose levels, it is appropriate to avoid processing foods such as purees or smoothies.
  5. In case of consuming potatoes or sweet potatoes, it is advisable to cool before consumption.

Ultimately, people with diabetes can consume carbohydrates. However, they must minimize their intake and keep strict control over their blood glucose levels, to avoid any harm to health. In addition, we cannot forget the importance of physical exercise, as it is a benefit for the use of glucose accumulated in the blood for muscle function.

How to deal with an increase in blood glucose

Sometimes people with diabetes can face an episode of hyperglycemia – a high increase in blood glucose levels due to a poor diet. In these cases, the affected person must have prior knowledge of the procedure to follow.

In this sense, experts in the field assure that it is essential to remain calm and not panic. Thus, to try to restore blood glucose levels, these are some of the most effective tips:

  • You must not be scared.
  • Try to stay relaxed.
  • Good hydration: Between 1 and two liters of water.
  • Eating foods that help lower blood glucose
  • Measure the blood glucose level. If it is higher than 300 mg / dl, you should see a doctor immediately
  • Receive insulin and / or fluids through an IV.

Although, there are serious cases in which you must contact a doctor to attack the problem and put a solution under the guidelines of a professional. Thus, if you develop some of these symptoms and they persist over time, do not hesitate to ask for a medical appointment:

  • Tiredness, cold sweat, or shaking.
  • Feeling of shortness of breath, discomfort and pain in the chest.
  • Painful urination and increased urinary frequency.
  • Weightloss.
  • Prolonged nausea
  • Diarrhea that is not relieved by medication or diet modification
  • In case of feeling heart palpitations or a sudden acceleration of the same.

In short, the best way to maintain adequate blood glucose levels is to eat a healthy diet, based on products such as rye bread, apple, oatmeal, sweet potato, legumes, nuts, yogurt, cod, garlic or avocados. 

Also, do not forget to exercise regularly.

Photo by: BSIP/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

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