Home Health & Fitness ‘Healthy’ Drinks You’re Having Right Now May Be Hiking Your Blood Sugar...

‘Healthy’ Drinks You’re Having Right Now May Be Hiking Your Blood Sugar Levels, Warns Doctor

The 'Healthy' Drink You Have Right Now May Be Hiking Your Blood Sugar Levels, Warns Doctor
The 'Healthy' Drink You Have Right Now May Be Hiking Your Blood Sugar Levels, Warns Doctor

Are your favorite drinks betraying your health? A prominent doctor explains why these beverages might not be as beneficial as you think.

Elevated blood sugars are synonymous with type 2 diabetes, and they often manifest through subtle signs such as an amplified sense of thirst and hunger.

There are specific drinks that you might not think of as sugar-laden, but they could be stealthily sabotaging your diabetes management efforts.

“It goes without saying that sugary drinks cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels,” alerts Dr. Fernando

Consider fruit juice; many deem it to be a healthful choice, yet it is a concealed agent in the elevation of blood sugars.

“While they’re often promoted as healthy,” adds the expert, “it’s important to be mindful of the impact that fruit juices can have on blood sugar levels.

Clearly, those with added sugar have a higher impact, but the ones without added sugar are not exempt, as they comprise fructose – a natural sugar inherent in fruits.

As fruits undergo juicing or processing, the fiber content diminishes and sugars intensify, resulting in a swift escalation in sugar concentrations, according to the doctor.

Also be aware of sweetened tea and coffees, and sports drinks as they “all enable quick absorption of sugars into the bloodstream via the digestive system”.

Furthermore, we should be aware of sweetened teas, coffees, and energy drinks since they “all enable quick absorption of sugars into the bloodstream via the digestive system.”

If your aim is to sidestep sudden blood sugar elevations while still savoring flavored beverages, consider adding a few droplets of fruit juice to your water or mixing a modest quantity of fruit juice with an ample amount of water, as advised by the doctor.

“If this is too difficult to do you can wean yourself off by gradually diluting more and more.

“Start with 50 percent juice and 50 percent water, and work your way down to just a few drops over time.”

Regarding the effect on blood sugar levels, Dr. Fernando remarked, “Individual responses vary depending on your metabolism, diet, exercise and medication.”

“If you’re concerned about your reaction to sugary drinks, always speak to a healthcare professional.”

Image Credit: Getty

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