Home Health & Fitness Mango can be dangerous for some people – says nutritionist

Mango can be dangerous for some people – says nutritionist

Mango can be dangerous for some people - says nutritionist
Image Credit: Getty

Mango is quite a popular fruit around the world, particularly in tropical countries, due to its rich and distinctive flavor. This natural food, however, could pose health risks that many are unaware of.

This is a fruit rich in nutrients, so its consumption, in general, is beneficial for health, explains the American nutritionist Dina R. D’Alessandro. Mango contains various forms of phytonutrients, that is, “chemical compounds that support good health.”

What’s more, the fruit is particularly good for the heartexplains the doctor to the portal Eat This, Not That. This is because it is rich in potassium, which can help offset excess sodium intake and control high blood pressure. 

However, potassium levels are not high enough to exclude mango from the diet of people with kidney disease or other conditions that require decreased intake of this nutrient.

This fruit, however, could cause some adverse effects, so not everyone should consume it. If you have a sensitivity to particular synthetic material, it may be best to avoid eating mango.

“Be cautious if you’re allergic to latex. Mango proteins are similar to those in latex, so you might have a reaction,” says the nutritionist.

People who suffer from diabetes or are prone to this disease should also avoid or at least reduce mango consumption. This is because the fruit can increase the level of sugar in the blood, since it is composed mainly of carbohydrates.

“Even natural fruit sugars may act like refined sugar in large amounts,” explains D’Alessandro.

On the other hand, mango could help in weight loss. D’Alessandro emphasizes, however, it is necessary to consume the fruit in moderation if the goal is to lose weight.

The nutritionist also warned about the possible gastrointestinal problems that the consumption of mango in large quantities can cause, since “it’s high in fermentable carbohydrates.” 

It is recommended to those who suffer from any gastrointestinal condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome, limit or avoid mangoes. 

The specialist also pointed out that some studies show that the fruit could help relieve diarrhea.

Image Credit: Getty

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