Home Health & Fitness One of the most overlooked Type 2 diabetes symptoms could mean your...

One of the most overlooked Type 2 diabetes symptoms could mean your blood sugar is rising, Says Doctor

One of the most overlooked Type 2 diabetes symptoms could mean your blood sugar is rising, Says Doctor
Image Credit: iStock

Diabetes is one of the most deadly diseases that requires lifetime running care. But while the condition can lead to some serious complications, knowing the signs you may be getting type-2 diabetes will help you have the best results.

Type 2 diabetes, like HBP, is unnoticeable in the beginning and may linger so for many years. Many of its negative effects could be noticed on your toes as well, according to medical experts.

According to Dr. Paul Ettlinger, GP at The London General Practice, numb toes could be a sign that your blood sugar levels have been too high for too long.

Peripheral neuropathy is the medical term to describe nerve fibres damaged by high blood sugar levels.

As Dr Ettlinger explained, the ends of the longest nerve fibres are often the first to deteriorate – this helps to explain why the feet are susceptible.

What’s more, loss of feeling can mean that any wound or damage to the toes, such an ingrown toenail, can escalate into something worse, he warned.

Other signs can include:

  • Ulcers (this is caused by damage to the skin due to a lack of sensation from foreign body and poorly fitted footwear)
  • Callous formation
  • Infection or inflammation and gangrene.

According to Dr Ettlinger, diabetic feet are also more likely to see bacterial growth and infection as a result of the increased sugar in the tissues of the feet, and impaired blood supply often leads to a lower metabolism.

Interestingly if a diabetic has eye problems they are also more likely to develop foot problems.

he added.

Image Credit: iStock

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