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Poison Ivy: This is how your body reacts when you touch this plant

Poison Ivy: This is how your body reacts when you touch this plant
Image Credit: Getty

Poison ivy is a plant that produces a rash on the skin that is itchy. Poison ivy rash, also known as contact dermatitis, is an allergic response to urushiol oil, an oily substance found on poison ivy’s leaves, stems, and roots.

The unpleasant rash, which is characterised by redness, itching, and swelling, occurs on 85 percent of individuals who come into contact with poison ivy, and it develops in the shape of lines, streaks, or patches wherever the plant touched your skin.

In severe cases, the rash may extend to your eyes or lips.

A raised rash is the most common symptom of poison ivy allergy, but additional signs and symptoms include hives, blisters, and pimples. Poison ivy blisters will eventually break and exude a clear liquid.

However, if they get infected, they will fill with pus. You should seek emergency medical attention if your eyes swell shut or you have difficulty breathing.

Poison ivy treatment

While poison ivy rash generally goes away on its own, there are a few things you can do to assist manage and treat your symptoms. Washing your skin and clothing, for example, may aid in the treatment of a rash.

Soaking in the tub soon after contact with poison ivy may help wash away part of the urushiol oil on your skin, resulting in a less allergic response.

It’s critical to wash your clothing to remove the oil, which might otherwise spread and cause further contact.

You may also use lotions, creams, and ointments to help reduce swelling and discomfort on your skin. Calamine lotion, hydrocortisone cream, menthol cream, and aloe vera are examples of skin care products that may help relax and soothe your skin while also reducing itching and irritation.

Furthermore, antihistamines may help treat and control your allergic response by reducing some of the itching and making you sleepy, allowing you to fall asleep more quickly and enjoy a decent night’s sleep.

Image Credit: Getty

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