Home Health & Fitness Scientists discover a “super antibody” for COVID-19 that can help neutralize multiple...

Scientists discover a “super antibody” for COVID-19 that can help neutralize multiple coronaviruses

Scientists discover a
Image Credit: Nature

It is able to attach to the domains of all such pathogens and neutralize them in living cells.

A team of American scientists led by a biochemist from the Seattle Cancer Research Center Tyler Starr has found an antibody that can fight not only various types of SARS-CoV-2 but also strains of coronavirus infection.

It is noted that the researchers studied 12 antibodies that appeared in people infected with SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV. 

It turned out that antibodies attach to a part of the viral protein associated with receptors on human cells, which is also called the binding domain.

The scientists then compiled a list of thousands of mutations in the domains of different strains of COVID-19 and similar infections from the sarbecoviruses group. 

This analysis showed that one of the antibodies (S2H97) had the ability to attach to the domains of all similar pathogens and neutralize them in living cells.

Scientists have received appropriate confirmation in an experiment with hamsters.

However, researchers are not yet ready to argue that S2H97 can protect against new strains as well.

“Although scientists can’t test an antibody’s activity against an unknown virus, Banerjee adds, pan-sarbecovirus treatments and vaccines would help to prepare the world to fight the next coronavirus that jumps from wildlife into humans.,” the experts concluded.

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