Home Health & Fitness Scientists Reveal Why Coffee May Not Be For You

Scientists Reveal Why Coffee May Not Be For You

Scientists Reveal Why Coffee May Not Be For You
Photo by LUCA BETTINI/AFP via Getty Images

Coffee is one of the most widespread drinks or infusions on our planet, from Australia to America. Much has been said about the benefits it can bring to health due to the antioxidant effects offered by its diverse content of methylxanthines, catechins, and polyphenols.

However, in this article we want to talk about the slightly darker part of coffee, which is not usually told, and that is that the benefits of coffee are not for everyone, that is, many people due to their genetic inheritance are not able to enjoy these benefits, not because of the coffee itself, but because of the caffeine.

In this article, we explain how caffeine metabolism is not the same in all people and this can determine whether or not coffee consumption is recommended for all of them.

What does science tell us about coffee and caffeine?

Research on the benefits of coffee is contradictory. The answer to this contradiction lies in the genes, specifically in CYP1A2, which regulates an enzyme of the same name.

People who inherit two copies of the “fast” variant of the gene metabolize caffeine about four times faster than those who inherit one or two copies of the “slow” variant. We call the former fast metabolizers and the latter slow.

In research in this field, Dr. Ahmed ElSohemy found that there was a higher risk of a heart attack in slow metabolizers who consumed coffee. On the contrary, in rapid metabolizers, consuming one to three cups of coffee a day can provide a protective effect.

In the case of slow metabolizers, the longer presence of caffeine in your body seems to act as a trigger for heart attacks, whereas in the fast metabolizers, the early rinsing of caffeine leaves more time for antioxidants and polyphenols to act in a positive way in the body.

What does science tell us about caffeine in sports?

The differences that we mentioned are also found in the sports field.

A study by Professor CJ Womack shows that metabolizers of caffeine benefit more than others. Going further, a study by researcher Nanci Guest conducted with cyclists found that caffeine impaired performance in slow metabolizers.

Finally, mention that women tend to tolerate caffeine worse and even oral contraceptives worsen this tolerance even more.

So, if you’ve already tried caffeine and feeling lethargic or even excess nervousness, caffeine probably isn’t for you.

Photo by LUCA BETTINI/AFP via Getty Images

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