Home Health & Fitness The secrets and curiosities Ginger hides

The secrets and curiosities Ginger hides

The secrets and curiosities that ginger hides
Image Credit: Getty

Ginger is one of the most famous roots and spice in the world, due to its properties and its particular flavor.

There are foods that are quite unique, in addition to having great properties that make eyes turn to them when preparing home remedies or when you want the recipes to have a striking and particular flavor.

This is the case of ginger, one of the most famous roots in the world, due to its properties and its particular flavor, in addition to being an ingredient that hides some curious facts that make it much more interesting than what already is.

5 Curiosities of ginger

The history of food is usually fascinating and ginger is no exception, as it has also accumulated very interesting data.

There are several types of ginger

Although many people are unaware of it, there is a great variety of ginger, among them the Jamaican stands out as the sweetest and most delicate of all, the Chinese which is considered the spiciest, after the Central American.

The one produced in India which is one of the best quality, the African which is one of the cheapest, but with a more intense flavor, the Australian which is characterized by having a flavor with a slight citrus touch and the one from Kenya which is the most expensive.

Why do you use a spoon to peel it?

When the ginger is fresh, it has skin that is very easily removed that is detached with just scraping it, for that reason the kitchen experts decided that the spoon is the best tool to avoid damaging the pulp.

It can last 1 year in the freezer

Ginger should be kept at a temperature of 12 ° C, for this reason it is recommended to wrap it in aluminum foil and put it in the refrigerator, which is commonly found at a temperature of 7 ° C.

When ginger is stored in the refrigerator it can be kept for about three weeks, while in the freezer it can last up to a year, although its texture is likely to change a bit, its flavor and properties will remain the same.

Fight fish parasites

Ginger is an essential ingredient in the preparation of spices such as Ras el Hanout, which usually accompany sashimi and sushi, this is because, in addition to cleaning the palate after each bite, it also helps to avoid parasites from fish.

Why does ginger bite?

The reason why ginger has a spicy taste is because in its properties there is a substance called gingerol, which is related to the structure of capsaicin, substances that make chili peppers or pepper itch.

However, the itching of ginger differs from the others, since it does not usually cause intolerance in the digestive system.

Has had different names

This root comes from the term “sringavera”, a Sanskrit word, whose meaning is “horn-shaped”.

However, then it underwent a transformation, and although in the Persian language it was called “dzungebir” and then in the Greek it was called “dziggibris”, to later become “zingiber” in Latin and finally reach what we know as “ginger”.

Image Credit: Getty

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