Home Health & Fitness These are five of the best foods to eat for vitamin D

These are five of the best foods to eat for vitamin D

These are five of the best foods to eat for vitamin D
Image Credit: iStock

As we enter the autumn and winter months, it’s time to evaluate your vitamin D intake, also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” and where you can get it. It is suggested that everyone in the United States take a vitamin D supplement in the coming months, but what foods can you eat to get a vitamin D boost?

Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” because the best way to obtain it is through bathing in the sun.

For strong bones, teeth, and muscles, we require vitamin D, as well as calcium and phosphorus.

As vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, if you eat enough calcium but are lacking in vitamin D, you may be missing out on the benefits.

However, when autumn and winter approaches, there will be fewer hours of sunlight.

In addition to taking a supplement, you can boost your vitamin D levels by consuming these vitamin D-rich foods.

These are the top five vitamin D-rich foods:

Oily fish

Fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines are a good dietary source of vitamin D.

They also contain omega-3 fatty acids which can help to prevent heart disease: another added benefit.


Egg yolks are high in vitamin D – they are also a great way for vegetarians to top up their vitamin D.

Cod liver oil

Cod Liver Oil has traditionally been a treatment for rickets, with children being encouraged to have their cod liver oil.

Thankfully these days you can get cod liver oil capsules, so you don’t have to take it by the spoonful. Cod liver oil is also recommended for joint pain and preventing heart disease.

However, cod liver oil is not recommended if you are pregnant.

Fortified breakfast cereals

Some breakfast cereals have extra vitamin D added to them, which is a really easy way to sneak more vitamin D into your diet.

Check the label of your favourite cereals and see whether they are fortified with extra vitamins, if not why not swap them for a variety with added vitamins?

Red meat

Red meat, as well as liver, can be high in vitamin D too. However, red meat is associated with other health problems, so health experts recommend eating no more than 70 grams per day.

Image Credit: iStock

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