Home Health & Fitness These are the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s

These are the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s

These are the first symptoms of Alzheimer's
Image Credit: Getty

A group of specialists from the British charity Alzheimer’s Research described symptoms that could indicate the possible development of early-onset dementia, which can occur after 40 years.

Alzheimer’s disease often develops slowly over many years, so symptoms are not always obvious at first.

Initially, the patient may suffer from vision problems. You have a hard time measuring distance and speed, as well as identifying objects.

The second troubling sign that could indicate early-stage of Alzheimer’s disease is changes in personality and behavior. Initially, they may go unnoticed. In this case, patients become moody, irritable, and unsure of themselves. They lose interest in their favorite activities and what happens around them, although this signal is sometimes confused with states such as depression.

Suffering from depression or anguish is another reason to consult the doctor.

Potential Alzheimer’s sufferers tend not to remember things. They can forget messages, recent events, names, and faces. They ask recurring questions in a very short interval and repeat behaviors and routines, experts say.

Additionally, individuals with early-onset dementia may have aphasia, a language disorder that occurs as a consequence of brain disease. 

In this case, they may have trouble communicating and find it difficult to find the right words.

At the same time, in the early stages of the disease it can be difficult to distinguish the memory problems associated with Alzheimer’s from the forgetfulness of aging, the Alzheimer’s Research website specifies.

Causes of early-onset Alzheimer’s

The causes of the development of this disease are not clear. They may be linked to a certain lifestyle and genetics, scientists suppose.

Smoking, drinking alcohol, being sedentary, eating a poor diet, and having high cholesterol and blood sugar levels are other risk factors for the early development of Alzheimer’s.

How to reduce the risk of developing the disease?

If you want to do everything you can to minimize your risk of developing early-onset dementia, don’t smoke.

In addition, it is recommended to drink less than 14 units of alcohol per week and exercise regularly.

Having a normal weight and eating a healthy diet will also help.

Do not forget to lead an active social life and have many interests and hobbies, as it can also serve you.

Why is it important to diagnose this disease early?

If early-onset dementia is diagnosed early, patients may be treated with cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs), also known as anti-cholinesterase, such as donepezil, which helps relieve some symptoms of the disease and slow its development.

“The impact of early-onset Alzheimer’s can be significant,” says the charity, referring to the fact that these people work and have families.

Image Credit: Getty

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