Home Health & Fitness These foot signs could be linked to skin cancer

These foot signs could be linked to skin cancer

These foot signs 'often spreads before it’s noticed' could be linked to skin cancer
Image Credit: Getty

Skin cancer on the feet “often spreads before it’s noticed” warned the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). It is sometimes the most serious type of skin cancer, known as Foot melanoma. The entity explains what the signs of this disease are and advises to be attentive to them.

Foot Melanoma, a serious variety of skin cancer can be deadly. However, if it is detected early it is treatable. Keep in mind that even a foot injury, received decades ago, could increase your risk of getting sick.

For this reason, the AAD recommends that individuals examine the soles and toenails, the area between the toes, and the tops and sides of each foot. A symptom of melanoma is an alert “vertical brown or black line under the toenail.”

Another cancerous sign could be a “pinkish-red spot or node” on one part of the foot. The organization also advises keeping an eye out for any “non-healing foot wound” or one that heals but then comes back.

In case a part of the feet has been injured, the AAD suggests paying attention to any “new spots or nodes” or a “rapidly growing mass”. Another possible sign of melanoma is a “wound that appears to be a diabetic ulcer,” they add.

Melanoma on the foot sometimes “causes pain, bleeds, or itches, but not always, the AAD warned on its website.

Detection of melanoma using the ABCDE method

Foot melanoma can also be identified by the so-called ABCDE method applied to a new or changing mole on his feet.

Asymmetric: one half of the mole is different from the other.

Border: the spot has an irregular, nodular or poorly defined border.

Color: there are shades of tan, brown, black, white, red or blue.

Diameter: Most melanomas are larger than 6mm, but some are smaller.

Evolving: The mole looks different from the other marks on the body and is changing in size, shape, or color.

These symptoms could indicate the presence of melanoma.

Where does melanoma usually develop and who are the most vulnerable?

The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) explained that melanoma “can spread to other organs in the body.”

Melanoma can not only develop on the feet, it can also appear anywhere on the skin. The most common site of the appearance of melanoma in men is the back; for women, it tends to occur on the legs.

The risk of developing melanoma increases if you have many moles or freckles; have skin that burns easily; be red or blond; or have a close relative who has suffered from melanoma, details the AAD.

Compared to other types of cancer, melanoma skin cancer is also commonly found in people under the age of 50. In fact, more than one in four cases of skin cancer is diagnosed in younger people.

If one detects unusual marks or moles on your body, doctors recommend making an appointment with your GP. If the specialist deems it necessary to carry out further investigation, he or she will refer the patient to a hospital.

Doctors must refer their patient within two weeks of their appointment with him, warns the British Association of Dermatologists.

Image Credit: Getty

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