Home Health & Fitness This vitamin protects you against dangerous atherosclerosis

This vitamin protects you against dangerous atherosclerosis

This vitamin protects you against dangerous atherosclerosis
Image Credit: Getty

Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaques are deposited within arteries, obstructing the flow of blood to the heart and other parts of the body. These plaques are made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances.

New research from Edith Cowan University (ECU) suggests that eating foods rich in vitamin K can reduce the risk of heart disease caused by atherosclerosis by up to 34 percent.

Australian scientists examined data from more than 50,000 people who participated in the study over a 23-year period.

According to the study, people who had a higher intake of vitamin K1 – found mainly in green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils – were 21% less likely to be hospitalized due to heart disease caused by atherosclerosis. 

Those with the highest intake of vitamin K2 – found in eggs, fermented foods and meat – were 14 percent less likely to be hospitalized.

Despite the long duration of the research, scientists still believe that it is too early to draw definitive conclusions. 

New experiments to fully understand what drives the body to undergo the action of both types are needed Vitamin K.

Currently, researchers claim that the positive effect of vitamin K1 is due to its ability to protect the main arteries from calcium accumulation. 

This usually ends with calcification of the blood vessels.

Image Credit: Getty

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