Home Health & Fitness Three deadly dangers behind a toothache – warns doctor

Three deadly dangers behind a toothache – warns doctor

Three deadly dangers behind a toothache - according to doctor
Image Credit: Getty

A doctor warns that toothache not only causes discomfort but can cause dangerous, life-threatening diseases if you do not go to a dentist timely.

Plenty of dental problems develop silently. People may not realize how conditions can eventually result when their dental and pain issues go undiagnosed.

Tooth decay, periodontitis, gum disease and other dental problems not only cause serious discomfort, but can also cause disease in the body. 

What are the dangers associated with untreated teeth?

One of the first complaints is headaches that appear due to cavities that injure the nerve endings. However, the headache can be caused by an incorrect bite due to arthritis or osteoarthritis of the jaw joint.

“The headache and migraine pain could generate from the muscles that move your jaw,” says chiropractor Andrew Bang, DC.

In this condition, the enamel collapses, bacteria enter the tooth, caries appears and touches the nerve endings – as a result, pain arises that can radiate to the head or neck.

Diseased teeth can also lead to inflammation and bleeding of the gums, as well as the formation of spaces between the teeth, where bacteria lodge. The oral cavity can contain meningococcus, pneumococcus, and other bacteria that, when the immune system is weakened, can affect heart health.

“Bacteria, by causing inflammatory processes, ‘bite’ our heart. Today we know that heart problems are not only caused by high cholesterol but precisely by inflammatory processes,” explained the expert.

The most dangerous consequence of poor dental care, according to the doctor, is digestive problems that in some cases lead to cancer.

“Bacteria that are in diseased gums cause pancreatic cancer. We know of a number of other cancers of the digestive tract that are associated with periodontitis,” he explained.

To avoid tooth problems, the specialist recommended visiting the dentist once every six months and taking care of baby teeth because they can develop gum infections.

Image Credit: Getty

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