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Weird But This Sea Food Can Really Protect Against Diabetes, Prevent Heart Disease, Oxidative Stress, Alzheimer’s, Liver Damage, Cancer

Weird But This Sea Food Can Really Protect Against Diabetes, Prevent Heart Disease, Oxidative Stress, Alzheimer’s, Liver Damage, Cancer
Weird But This Sea Food Can Really Protect Against Diabetes, Prevent Heart Disease, Oxidative Stress, Alzheimer’s, Liver Damage, Cancer

Type 2 diabetes has traditionally been viewed as a chronic condition with lifelong implications. However, recent advancements and accumulating evidence indicate that, through appropriate interventions and, to some extent, favorable circumstances, it is possible to either reverse the condition or enable those at risk to circumvent the onset of the disease.

Diabetes represents a significant global health concern, affecting approximately 37 million individuals in the United States alone, equivalent to about 10% of the population. Predominantly, between 90-95% of these cases correspond to type 2 diabetes.

Although individuals over the age of 45 typically present with this form of diabetes, a concerning trend indicates rising prevalence among younger demographics, including children and adolescents.

Similarly, in Australia, nearly 1.3 million individuals suffer from type 2 diabetes. Worldwide, this figure rises to an estimated 422 million, with an alarming 1.5 million deaths each year directly associated with the condition. However, it’s notable that around 60% of all type 2 diabetes cases could potentially be deferred or altogether prevented via dietary and lifestyle modifications.

Recent research has identified a novel potential strategy in preventing diabetes, involving an unlikely marine organism—the sea cucumber. Regarded as a culinary delight throughout Asia, the sea cucumber has demonstrated potential anti-diabetic properties in studies conducted at the University of South Australia.

A primary focus of these investigations concerns Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs), which are formed when proteins or fats interact with sugars in the bloodstream. Accumulation of AGEs is linked to an increased risk of not only diabetes, but also cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, kidney disease, and cancer. Unfortunately, as of now, no commercial therapies exist that can inhibit AGE formation.

However, the humble sea cucumber could offer a solution. The University of South Australia’s studies, with a focus on the species Holothuria scabra, indicate that processed dried sea cucumber combined with salt extracts could effectively inhibit AGE formation, thus decreasing the risk of diabetes.

Dr. Permal Deo, the lead investigator on this project, suggests that understanding the bioactive compounds present in sea cucumbers and their ability to obstruct AGE formation could serve as a protective measure against diabetes and other related diseases.

“We know that an accumulation of AGEs is associated with complications of type 2 diabetes, so strategies to prevent this may reduce the risk of developing diabetic complications,” adds lead author Dr. Permal Deo.

Novel bioactive substances found in medicinal plants and various food items could potentially serve as therapeutic solutions to stave off complications associated with diabetes.

Sea cucumbers, renowned for their therapeutic attributes such as their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, are being investigated for their potential role as inhibitors of Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs).

In this study, they “found that processed dried sea cucumber with salt extracts and collagen can significantly inhibit AGEs by lowering a range of sugar related metabolites in the body and reducing the risk of diabetes.

“These results provide sound evidence that sea cucumbers could be developed as a functional food product to help battle the onset of diabetes and diabetic-complications.”

The findings of the study were published in the International Journal of Food Science +Technology.

Image Credit: Getty

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