Home Scientific Research Astronomers register the farthest object in the solar system

Astronomers register the farthest object in the solar system

Astronomers register the farthest object in the solar system
Photo: Getty Images Astronomers have calculated the parameters of the object, its orbit and distance to it

Farfarout takes about a thousand years to complete one complete revolution around the Sun, and each time it crosses the orbit of Neptune.

Nicknamed Farfarout, 2018 AG37 is indeed the most distant object ever observed in the solar system. Scientists came to this conclusion after conducting a number of studies.

Farfarout was first spotted in January 2018 by the Subaru telescope located on Maunakea Island in Hawaii.

With the help of the international observatory Gemini and other ground-based telescopes, astronomers have only recently been able to calculate the parameters of the object, its orbit and distance to it.

As shown by the research of scientists of the National Research Laboratory of Optical Infrared Astronomy of the US National Science Foundation (NOIRLab NSF), Farfarout is located 132 astronomical units from the Sun, which is 132 times farther than the Earth. By comparison, Pluto is at an average of 39 astronomical units from the Sun, while the previous record-holder for distance, the object designated 2018 VG18, or Farout is 124 astronomical units.

Farfarout has a diameter of about 400 kilometers and its orbit is highly elongated. At its farthest point, the object is 175 astronomical units from the Sun, and at the nearest point, it is 27 astronomical units.

Farfarout takes about a thousand years to complete one complete revolution around the Sun, and each time it crosses the orbit of Neptune.

Farfarout is officially listed in the Electronic Minor Planet Circular.

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