Home Scientific Research In Scotland, scientists discover a mysterious settlement, which is five thousand years...

In Scotland, scientists discover a mysterious settlement, which is five thousand years old

The found settlement is on the same island as Skara Brae, which is considered the best preserved Neolithic settlement in Western Europe.

Archaeologists have discovered in Scotland a neolithic settlement about 5 thousand years old, which is not inferior in importance to the world-famous settlement of Skara Brae.

Traces of a Neolithic village were found after coastal erosion excavated animal bones and carved stone.

The found settlement is on the same island as Skara Brae, which is considered the best preserved Neolithic settlement in Western Europe.

Archaeologists have discovered a wild boar’s tooth, antlers and a cattle jaw.

Among the finds was also a large decorated stone, on which, researchers found a pair of cut triangles and a series of rectangular stripes running across the surface.

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