Home Scientific Research It’s near! Scientists warn of a strong magnetic storm that will last...

It’s near! Scientists warn of a strong magnetic storm that will last several days

It's near! Scientists warn of a strong magnetic storm that will last several days
Photo from LabeDev Website

Russian scientists predict that a magnetic storm is approaching Earth on October 20 and will last for several days, reaching its highest intensity peak on October 25

According to the forecast, the initial class G1 magnetic storm will begin on October 20 and intensify from 21 to the 25, when it reaches its highest peak, the G2. After that, the Earth’s magnetosphere will be under a strong magnetic storm for three days and on October 29 it will normalize.

The data were published by the Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun (LRAS) of the Lebedev Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which has the classification of magnetic storms with five levels, G1 represents the weakest intensity and G5 the most extreme.

Experts believe that a weak storm can cause minor disturbances to power systems, as well as affect the migration path of birds and animals. While stronger magnetic storms can cause disturbances in short-wave communications and navigation systems, as well as disturbances in industrial power grids.

Increased solar activity, which often causes magnetic storms, can also make polar auroras visible at more southern latitudes than normal.

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Aakash started in Nov 2018 as a writer at Revyuh.com. Since joining, as a writer, he is mainly responsible for Software, Science, programming, system administration and the Technology ecosystem, but due to his versatility, he is used for everything possible. He writes about topics ranging from AI to hardware to games, stands in front of and behind the camera, creates creative product images and much more. He is a trained IT systems engineer and has studied computer science. By the way, he is enthusiastic about his own small projects in game development, hardware-handicraft, digital art, gaming and music. Email: aakash (at) revyuh (dot) com

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