Home Scientific Research A new study reveals that ‘Melittin’, a substance found in Bee venom...

A new study reveals that ‘Melittin’, a substance found in Bee venom kills breast cancer cells in minutes

A new study reveals that 'Melittin', a substance found in Bee venom kills breast cancer cells in minutes

An innovative discovery in Australia

A new study reveals that the poison in Bee quickly kills breast cancer cells. According to Dr Ciara Duffy, this poison destroys various types of breast cancer, even the triple-negative type, which is difficult to treat.

The researcher used the poison from 312 Bees for her study of cancer cells. HoneyBees – from Perth, Ireland and England – have had their venom tested in the aggressive triple-negative and HER2-enriched breast cancer subtypes.

The study, published in the journal npj Precision Oncology, found that HoneyBee venom not only eradicates these cancers but also blocks the ability of a cancer cell to reproduce. The poison also contains a compound called melittin, which researchers say helps to eradicate the disease with remarkable speed.

“The poison was extremely potent,” said a scientist from the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research. “We found that melittin can completely destroy the membranes of cancer cells.” In just 20 minutes, melittin breaks down the chemical messages that breast cancer cells transmit to trigger cell growth and division.

More research needs to be done to find out what kind of dose is needed in humans.

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Aakash started in Nov 2018 as a writer at Revyuh.com. Since joining, as a writer, he is mainly responsible for Software, Science, programming, system administration and the Technology ecosystem, but due to his versatility, he is used for everything possible. He writes about topics ranging from AI to hardware to games, stands in front of and behind the camera, creates creative product images and much more. He is a trained IT systems engineer and has studied computer science. By the way, he is enthusiastic about his own small projects in game development, hardware-handicraft, digital art, gaming and music. Email: aakash (at) revyuh (dot) com

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