Home Space An Eclipsing Black Widow found in space

An Eclipsing Black Widow found in space

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Scientists have calculated that the pulsar slows down its rotation speed by 0.00239 attoseconds per second, which confirms its belonging to an unusual species.

Chinese astronomers have discovered the first radio pulsar associated with NGC 6712, J18530842A, via high-sensitivity searches with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope.

This 2.15 ms pulsar is in a 3.56 hr compact circular orbit with a very low mass companion, most likely weighing between 0.018 and 0.036 M, and exhibits pulsar eclipsing.

Though the distance to PSR J18530842A predicted by its dispersion measurement (155.125 ± 0.004 cm−3 pc) and Galactic free electron density models is approximately 30% smaller than the distance to NGC 6712 obtained from interstellar reddening measurements, this is likely due to a lack of knowledge about the spiral arms and Scutum stellar cloud in this direction.

This is stated in an article published on the arXiv website.

It is noted that the star is a “black widow”. According to scientists, it has a stellar “companion” with a low mass. It is from him that she draws out an interstellar matter. 

A radio pulsar called PSR J1853-0842A (J1853) is located 22,500 light-years from Earth and has a millisecond rotation period.

Scientists claim that such celestial bodies are formed in binary systems, as a result of the transformation of a massive component into a neutron star.

Also, this class of stars is called spider pulsars – space objects that are classified as “black widows” with a star mass less than 0.1 solar masses.

The companion of J1853 has an estimated mass of 0.018 to 0.036 solar masses. The turnover is carried out in 3.56 hours. at this time an eclipse of the pulsar occurs.

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