Home App Jack Dorsey eliminates hopes about being able to edit tweets: “We will...

Jack Dorsey eliminates hopes about being able to edit tweets: “We will probably never do it”

Jack Dorsey eliminates hopes about being able to edit tweets:
Image from Pixabay

The tweet edition is one of those functions that Twitter does not have and that actively thousands of users of the social network ask to implement. It is well known by Jack Dorsey, CEO and founder of the company, which is usually mentioned by people asking to edit their typos.

That the function is necessary for certain cases is obvious, but in response to questions, Jack Dorsey has thrown a vase of cold water to all who expect this function this year or in the near future: “There will be no tweet editing in 2020”, and “we probably never will.”

Jack explains why there has never been an issue and why it probably won’t be

Jack has not limited himself to saying that there will be no function of editing tweets, but has begun by reviewing why there has been no editing from the beginning:

“We started as an SMS text message service. And as we all know, when a text message is sent, it can’t really be removed.” “We wanted to preserve that essence, that feeling, from the early days.”

This reason, for Twitter, if you really believe in that argument, should already be enough to never implement the edit button, but it has expanded the idea to current reality. Jack acknowledges that they have come to consider a window of one minute or 30 seconds to edit errata in words or errors in links, which is what is most requested. His response to this is that, if implemented, the tweet should be delayed that same time, because otherwise, people would see it. Personally, I would have no problem with people seeing a tweet of mine that is wrong for 30 seconds.

Another of the arguments Dorsey cites for not allowing editing, in general, does sound more convincing, and it is that it would be difficult to control the fact that if a user has retweeted an original tweet, and this has then been edited, it will be displayed as a new tweet and not the one originally shared. As a solution to that case, many times there have been talks of an option that showed the original version of that tweet, that is, that would not completely eliminate what the user has said.

In general, Jack has been much sharper this time than he has been on other occasions, as we see in the tweet inserted on these lines, in which he said that “you need a way to edit. For everyone, not just for those who have verification.”

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