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How Facebook wants to chase the bucks out of the garden

How Facebook wants to chase the bucks out of the garden

Facebook has said that it has banned tens of thousands of apps from its platform in recent months. Applications that collected more data than needed from users were blocked. In addition, they have blocked applications whose operators provided no or only insufficient information about potentially violating Facebook policies.

The Californian group began its so-called “App Developer Investigation” in March 2018, after it became known that the British company Cambridge Analytica had spied on users with the help of a Facebook app. At the end of last week Facebook published results of this investigation. They blocked tens of thousands of apps. Based on court records, the “New York Times” can substantiate this claim: 69 000 apps were blocked.

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Questionable apps locked as a precaution

That an app has been blocked, but should not be considered as a hint that it was threatening for the privacy of users. Most apps were still locked during the test phase. These apps have never been “live”. In some cases, however, apps have been completely banned. This can come for various reasons – such as inappropriate data transfer or insufficient protection of sensitive user information. So far, no other cases of data misuse have been noticed; the investigations would, however, continue.

Initially, Facebook has reportedly controlled only apps that were noticed by their number of users and the collection of personal information from users. Now even apps are filtered out that potentially violate the data guidelines of the social network due to their characteristics. What are the features of an app that is not known. Appear suspiciously an app, follow a closer investigation. This should include a background check of the app developer as well as the technical analysis of all activities of the app on the platform.

Protect privacy better

For example, the “myPersonality” app was blocked, which did not provide enough data to research institutions and companies. In some cases, the social media giant has also taken legal action against app operators, for example against two companies that distributed malware via app in order to tap advertising fees. According to Facebook, 400 developers are behind the previously blocked apps.

The Cambridge Analytica data scandal had caused worldwide outrage over the past year. Facebook was politically and legally challenged. Among other things, the company was fined by the American consumer protection agency FTC for a fine of five billion dollars.

Via | Facebook

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