9/11: War may be over but these people in the US still paying a heavy price for September 11 attacks

    9/11: War may be over but these people in the US still paying a heavy price
    Photo by Caroline Brehman/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

    New research from Australia’s Edith Cowan University (ECU) reveals that responders to the 9/11 terrorist attacks continue to suffer 20 years later, with many having major health problems as a result of the incident.

    Over 91,000 responders were exposed to a variety of risks during recovery and cleanup efforts, with 80,785 participating in the post-attack World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP).

    Erin Smith, an associate professor at ECU, is a catastrophe and emergency response expert. Her examination of WTCHP participants reveals that 3439 people have died since the attacks – significantly more than the 412 who died on the day of the attacks – with aerodigestive illness (34 percent) the leading cause of death, followed by cancer (30 percent) and mental health (15 percent).

    Since the start of 2016, deaths due to these three categories, as well as musculoskeletal and acute traumatic injuries, have increased sixfold.

    Over 36,000 (45 percent) WTCHP participants have a respiratory condition, 16 percent have cancer, and an additional 16 percent have a mental health illness.

    Professor Smith stated that the attacks’ ongoing consequences are evident, as 16,009 responders only registered in the WTCHP in the last five years.

    “The number of responders enrolling in the program continues to steadily rise,” she said.  

    According to the research, cancer rates among 9/11 responders have increased by 185 percent in the last five years – with leukaemia emerging as a particularly prominent disease.

    “Leukemia has overtaken colon and bladder cancer in the rankings,” Professor Smith said.   

    “This equates to an increase of 175 per cent in certified leukemia cases within this cohort of responders over a five-year period.  

    “It’s not surprising: there is a proven link between benzene exposure and acute myeloid leukemia, and benzene is found in jet fuel which was one of the toxic exposures at the WTC site.”  

    Prostate cancer is also prevalent among responders, having increased 181 percent since 2016. While this fits the age profile of the majority of WTCHP participants, Professor Smith noted that some responders develop an aggressive, fast-growing form of prostate cancer.

    “Inhaling the toxic dust at the WTC site potentially caused a cascading series of cellular events, increasing the number of inflammatory T-cells in some of these 9/11 responders,” she said.  

    “This increased inflammation may eventually lead to prostate cancer.” 

    Between 15 percent and 20 percent of 9/11 rescuers are thought to have signs of post-traumatic stress disorder — about four times the rate in the general community.   

    Despite the passage of two decades, numerous studies indicate that PTSD remains an increasing problem for responders, in contrast to the general population’s decline. 

    “Even almost 20 years later, the prevalence of mental health disorders and need for mental health treatment remains elevated among this group of 9/11 responders: almost half of all responders report an ongoing need for mental health care,” Professor Smith said.  

    Additionally, researchers discovered that numerous brain scans of 9/11 responders revealed the onset of early-stage dementia.   

    This is consistent with earlier research indicating that cognitive impairment develops approximately twice as frequently in responders as it does in people 10 to 20 years older.

    Responders’ underlying illnesses, such as cancer and respiratory problems, have also made them particularly sensitive to COVID-19.

    Over 100 people have died as a result of virus-related complications, which have aggravated many responders’ PTSD symptoms. 

    Additionally, it is projected that the number of responders diagnosed with illnesses related to their exposure to asbestos at the World Trade Center site would increase in the coming years, as mesothelioma typically develops over a period of 20-50 years.  

    “We are now beginning to understand the long-term effects of responding to the 9/11 terrorist attacks,” Professor Smith said.  

    “9/11-exposure is still causing both physical and mental health impact to responders and it’s likely responders are still developing illnesses related to their exposures.”  



    1. Aerodigestive illness (34 per cent)  
    2. Cancer (30 per cent)  
    3. Mental health (15 per cent)  


    1. Non-melanoma skin cancer  
    2. Prostate cancer  
    3. Melanoma  


    1. Asthma   
    2. Chronic rhinosinusitis  
    3. Gastroesophageal reflux disease  

    Photo by Caroline Brehman/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

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