European countries begin to restrict communication with the UK

    European countries begin to restrict communication with the UK
    Image Credit: Pixabay

    European countries have begun to restrict transport links with Great Britain, as a new strain of COVID-19, especially contagious, is rapidly spreading on the island. An agreed decision on this at the EU level is expected on Monday.

    The spread of a new strain of coronavirus in the UK became known on December 14. Prime Minister Boris Johnson imposed lockdowns in London, East and South-East England on December 20, restrictions were also announced in Wales.

    The head of the Ministry of Health of Germany Jens Spahn told ARD that Germany will stop accepting flights from the UK from Monday. According to Bild, other EU countries will follow the example of Germany.

    France has decided to interrupt passenger and goods traffic with Great Britain for 48 hours and will wait for an agreed decision at the EU level.

    The Ministry of Health of the Netherlands on Sunday announced that it will interrupt air and rail links with Britain until January 1. The ministry also said that in the next days, the Netherlands, together with other EU countries, will consider ways to limit the risk of transmission of a new type of coronavirus from the UK. The Guardian recalls that in the Netherlands at the moment due to COVID-19 there is a general isolation regime – until mid-January.

    Belgium also suspended communication with Great Britain.

    The Italian government has also announced a suspension of flights to the UK, and has also banned entry into the country for those who have visited British soil in the past two weeks. The Italian Ministry of Health explained that the new strain, apparently, is no more lethal than the “classic” COVID-19, but it is much easier to transmit from person to person.

    The Lithuanian government has suspended all passenger flights from the UK from early Monday morning until 24 hours on 31 December. The Estonian government has supported the proposal of the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure, Taavi Aas from Sunday midnight and until the end of the year to suspend air traffic with Great Britain. The documents for a similar decision are being prepared for the Ministry of Transport, Health and Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins said.

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