The elephant files a lawsuit in the New York Court of Appeals against the zoo due to captivity

    The animal spends all the time in a small cage and does not see people. The petition in support of the elephant has already collected about one and a half million signatures.

    In New York, the state appeals court has accepted the lawsuit of the elephant, named Happy, against the Bronx Zoo, where she lives.

    It is noted that the Nonhuman Rights Project on behalf of Happy complains about poor conditions of detention and demands to transfer the animal to the reserve.

    The court is surprised by such a claim since this is the first time that the applicant is not a human being.

    It is known that the elephant was born in the wild in 1971. She was presumably born in Thailand. At one time, she, along with six more elephants, was moved to the United States and named them all in honor of the seven dwarfs from the fairy tale Snow White.

    Later, in 1977, Happy was bought for $ 800 for the Bronx Zoo, and all the other elephants were euthanized and sent elsewhere.

    Photo: Gigi Glendinning

    For 20 years, the elephant has been living in complete solitude. Animal rights activists call this a problem, arguing that elephants are social animals.

    The organization claims that the elephant spends almost all the time in a small cage and does not see visitors to the zoo. Meanwhile, the administration of the institution denies these words.

    The lawsuit was filed in 2018 in 20 US courts. But none of the courts considered it.

    In addition, a petition in support of the elephant was created, which has already been signed by about one and a half million people.

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