The Great Reset: A New Conspiracy Theory After Coronavirus

    The Great Reset: A New Conspiracy Theory After Coronavirus
    Photo by Artur Widak/NurPhoto via Getty Images

    The proposal of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rebuild the economy after the covid is not without controversy and the most conspiratorial have seen something beyond

    If the coronavirus has shown us something, it is that we have plenty of imagination to look for bombastic alternatives to the facts that we do not know. Especially when things happen that we can’t understand or (apparently) can’t fight.

    From the unlikely theory that the pandemic is a cover to hide the negative effects of 5G, to the perhaps plausible idea that it came from a laboratory in Wuhan, many conspiracies have emerged in recent times.

    According to a Norwegian study that insists that we all believe in at least one conspiracy theory, the personalities most likely to have these ideas included schizotypal traits, conspiracy mentality, paranormal beliefs and right-wing authoritarianism.

    In any case, despite the prejudices we may have (sources from the study itself insisted), not all conspiranoids are flat-Earthers with a silver foil hat, but since there are an infinite number of conspiracy theories out there, it is likely that If we did a survey on all of them, everyone would check several boxes. It doesn’t matter if you are from the left or the right, both sides have ideas of that style.

    And, as is often the case with theories of this kind, they are usually based on a premise that, at least initially, was true. That happens with the Great Reset: it is a proposal from the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rebuild the economy in a sustainable way after the COVID-19 pandemic. 

    It was introduced in May 2020 by the Prince of Wales and Klaus Schwab, Director of the WEF. At the inauguration of The Great Reset (on January 21, 2021) the entire financial, technological and political elite of the world gathered, and it took place in Davos.

    The premise for a multitude of conspiracy theories to emerge was served. In addition, Schwab spoke of a wealth tax or ending fossil fuel subsidies, covering other issues related to technology, climate change, the future of work or international security.

    In general, it seeks to reset capitalism but in a rather ambiguous way, and some media such as ‘The Guardian’ criticized its measures, calling them empty and proposed by people who advocate fighting climate change in the most hypocritical way possible, since they came to Davos in private jets.

    Either way, the lack of clarity has led to the birth of the conspiracy theory.

    The conspiracy theory

    It cannot be said that it is not popular. The term ‘Great Reset’ has received more than eight million interactions on Facebook and has been shared nearly two million times on Twitter since the initiative was launched, according to research by ‘BBC Monitoring‘. The main idea is that the Great Reset is a strategic part of a great conspiracy of the global elite, which somehow planned and carried out the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The narrative continues that all the restrictions that we already know were introduced not with the idea of ​​curbing the virus, but to deliberately provoke an economic collapse and a socialist world government, albeit directed for the benefit of powerful capitalists.

    The most interesting thing is that this conspiracy theory is not followed by white Texan men who live in their mother’s house for 50 years, as we said at the beginning, but by different followers that go from the anti-vaccines to people from the extreme right and left.

    Either way, most of the ideas being promoted around the Great Reset are not new. In general, they are similar to those circulating since the 1960s talking about the New World Order, which in turn borrows ideas from conspiracy theories that already emerged in the 18th century. The only difference is that they incorporate new claims from the covid era, about how vaccines contain microchips to enslave people or turn them into transhuman beings.

    Photo by Artur Widak/NurPhoto via Getty Images

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