Home World This is why Russia bans millions of parents from travelling abroad

This is why Russia bans millions of parents from travelling abroad

Find out why Russia bans millions of parents from travelling abroad
Image Credit: Pixabay

More than four million Russian citizens are on the list of restricted to travel abroad on New Year’s Eve due to debt, Russian Federal Marshals Service (FSSP) reports.

The state practice of prohibiting, those who do not pay, from leaving the national territory has existed since 2005. Travel restrictions, as a general rule, apply to those who do not pay their minor children (by order of the judge they must transfer them, on average, 25% of their earnings) and about a third of bank loan debtors.

In recent years, restrictions have also been imposed on those who forget to pay debts for housing and communal services (gas, electricity, etc.).

Exit from Russia may be restricted with a debt of 30,000 rubles ($ 400) and, for some other types of debt, 10,000 rubles ($ 135).

Information about the debt is sent to immigration and border authorities. The person who does not pay is blocked from leaving the country, while their foreign passport is subject to withdrawal. What’s more, you cannot pay directly at immigration and border checkpoints.

The situation with debtors has worsened during the pandemic. According to the FSSP, the number of people who cannot go abroad this year increased by 20%.

In just 11 months this year, officials issued 8.3 million orders to temporarily restrict the outflow of debtors.

According to the authorities, the effectiveness of the measure to prohibit the debtor from travelling abroad is confirmed by the following facts: in May 2017, the press service of the FSSP Directorate in the Bryansk region reported that a local resident who was going to spend his holidays in Turkey, when he learned of the restriction to leave the country that was imposed, he paid his son a maintenance debt in the amount of 454,000 rubles (more than 6,000 dollars). Another man from the same region paid his 20,000 rubles ($ 271) debt to his daughter with four bags of coins.

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