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Live broadcasts from the wilderness – capture the behavior of the rarest and most secretive wild animals

Eight live broadcasts from the wilderness
Image Credit: Pixabay

“Wild streams” – turn on the video and watch the life of the rarest and most secretive birds, bears and deer

Hidden cameras allow zoologists to observe the behavior of the rarest and most secretive wild animals. Some of them can be simply picked up and connected – and this is a great opportunity for ordinary users to join the world of wildlife. 

For those who can no longer watch TV, we have made a selection of such “wild streams” – turn on the video and watch the life of birds, bears and deer.

Deer canteen

Where is it? Maine, USA

White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo).

Every winter, a wild reindeer canteen is set up near Brownville in central Maine. To support the local white-tailed deer population in the colder months, Brownville’s Food Pantry For Deer staff feeds nearly 200 kilograms of oats daily from mid-December to early April. Sometimes 100-200 individuals come for a treat at the same time. In addition to deer, wild turkeys sometimes appear in the “dining room”.


On the channel of the organization, five live broadcasts are conducted at once, thanks to which you can see the deer from different angles. And another camera monitors small birds at the feeder.

Bird Feast in South Africa

Where is it? Suburb of Pretoria, South Africa.

More than 50 species of birds can be seen, as well as nocturnal mammals.

If you want some bright colors in the middle of winter, play live from a South African feeder. Many variegated birds flock here to feast on fruits and grains, from small passerines to parrots and hornbills (a total of more than fifty species). At night you can see the Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat (Epomophorus wahlbergi), the graceful tiger geneta predator (Genetta tigrina) and even the southern galago (Galago moholi), a small nocturnal primate with huge eyes.

Hummingbird bar

Where is it? Los Angeles, USA.

The hummingbird.

Flower nectar is a favorite food of hummingbirds. However, they are happy to fly to drinking bowls made by people filled with sugar water. In South America, more than a dozen species of these birds can be seen simultaneously at hummingbird feeding stations. On Californian feeders, the variety of hummingbirds is much lower – in winter there are only two species left: Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna) and Allen’s selasphorus (Selasphorus sasin). But you can watch them live!

Bears and their neighbors

Where is it? Transylvania, Romania.

For bears, wild boars, deer and wolves.

If you prefer large mammals to birds, then you should turn on the Bear Watching Transylvania Channel. In the evenings, brown bears (Ursus arctos), as well as red deer (Cervus elaphus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and wild boars (Sus scrofa) appear in front of the infrared camera lens. Sometimes wolves (Canis lupus) also come here. Transylvania is one of the last places in Europe to see so many large animals.

Tired tits are sleeping

Where is it? Recke, Northern Germany.

The great tit.


If you’ve ever wanted to watch a wild bird sleeping, here’s a stream straight from the tit nest. Every evening the great tit (Parus major) arrives here for the night and sleeps peacefully until the morning. On the channel, you can also watch live broadcasts from the feeders or the fountain in which the birds swim. In addition to the birds, we are accustomed to, more exotic ones appear in front of the camera lenses – for example, common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus).

Owls are not what they seem

Where is it? Yorkshire, UK.

Common barn owls and other birds.

Seeing an owl in the wild is challenging due to the nocturnal lifestyle and secrecy of these birds. But now you can watch the owl’s life live without leaving your home. For example, the Robert E Fuller Channel broadcasts from several cameras installed in the favorite resting places of the barn owls (Tyto alba). Occasionally, other birds of prey, including gray owls (Strix aluco) and common kestrels (Falco tinnunculus), can also be captured. There are other broadcasts on the channel – for example, there are cameras that monitor the life of ermines and weasels.

Aether from the eagle’s nest

Where is it? Florida, USA.

Bald eagles.

Although winter reigns in the Northern Hemisphere, the Florida bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) are already busy procreation. Thanks to cameras installed in the nests of these predators, any Internet user can observe their family life. We chose ether from the nest of male Samson and female Gabriel. Pay attention to another broadcast from the same channel, from the nest of eagles Connie and Joe: they already have chicks!

Albatross in the wind

Where is it? South Island, New Zealand.

The northern royal albatrosses.

In the frame, there are other selfless parents – Northern royal albatrosses (Diomedea sanfordi). The New Zealand Department of Conservation annually selects a pair of albatrosses and broadcasts live from their nest. Most of the time, one bird is in front of the camera, sitting on the nest in spite of windy weather and incubating an egg laid in October-November.

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