Home B2B While some still wait for latest stimulus check, others receiving ‘plus-up’ payment

While some still wait for latest stimulus check, others receiving ‘plus-up’ payment

While some still wait for latest stimulus check, others receiving 'plus-up' payment
Image Credit: GettyImages

The third batch of $1,400 stimulus checks is still being delivered to qualified US taxpayers across the country.

But this week, some people have started getting bonus stimulus payments while others still waiting.

Known as “plus-up” payments are an amazing surprise for people who have already received stimulus checks. People who have already processed their 2020 tax returns are entitled for more money.

According to the IRS, you could receive a plus-up payment if you had a decline in income in 2020 compared to 2019 or you added a new dependent.

Meanwhile, many others are still waiting for their latest stimulus payment.

An important thing to remember is that not all of the payments went out at the same time last month.

The U.S. Treasury Department said the $1,400 payments for Social Security and other federal beneficiaries who do not normally file tax returns were sent out this past weekend.

The majority of those payments will be sent electronically and should be received by April 7, according to the Treasury Department and the IRS.

All checks are expected to be delivered by mid-April.

If you don’t get a check by then, you may want to look into filing a tax return — even if you are not required to.

To check the status of your latest stimulus checks, go to IRS.gov and search “get my payment.”

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