Home eCommerce Apple Card expands its tests with thousands of Apple Store employees

Apple Card expands its tests with thousands of Apple Store employees

Apple Card expands its tests with thousands of Apple Store employees
Apple Card expands its tests with thousands of Apple Store employees

The credit card of Apple and Goldman Sachs is about to arrive. Since it was presented in March of this year we have seen how different details have appeared about it regarding the benefits it could offer or what Goldman Sachs thinks. Now it seems that Apple is testing it internally with thousands of employees in its stores.

As reported by Bloomberg, Apple has expanded its tests beyond the company’s main employees. That is, they have opened the “internal beta” to employees of the Apple Store in the United States. The first major expansion of the Apple Card and possibly the most important until it reaches all users publicly.

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Internal tests for a public launch this summer

A launch of a credit card is not so simple, to make sure everything is working correctly the company is testing the product a few months before the official launch. As indicated, employees can use the card to make public purchases, although they are not allowed to talk about it or show it explicitly in the iPhone app. Because no, the card has not yet reached all the users who are testing it, but they have been activated in the Wallet app with Apple Pay.

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The screenshots of the beta version of the Apple Card show that the trial versions of the card are fully functional and include the possibility of receiving a daily refund, paying bills and receiving technical assistance through text messages. Users can also schedule payments, access their credit limit and manage connected bank accounts, among other things.

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As a last detail, sources consulted by Bloomberg indicate that Apple is negotiating with financial institutions and European regulators to bring their credit card also to European countries. At the moment the only thing that we have confirmed by the company is the exit of the card this summer in the United States, although these negotiations are a good indication of what is to come.

Via | Bloomberg

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