Home Health & Fitness Daith piercing: Is it true it helps fight migraine?

Daith piercing: Is it true it helps fight migraine?

Daith piercing: Is it true it helps fight migraine?

This severe headache is the leading risk factor among young, active people in the US and globally.

Migraine is the leading risk factor among the young and active people in the United States, since chronic migraine hinders you from living a normal life. This is what neurology specialists say.

And it’s not just a bad headache; it’s also accompanied by additional symptoms like nausea, pain, and anxiety. Does it look familiar to you?

Daith piercing – What it is?

A daith piercing is a piercing that goes through the ear’s deepest cartilage fold. The piercing usually goes through the thickest part of the ear cartilage for most people.

Because the inner ear’s distinctive shape required a curved needle, the daith piercing requires more skill than other piercings. The healing process might take 4–12 months, and the first piercing can be unpleasant.

As with other piercings, there is a danger of infection, particularly if the piercer uses an unsterile needle or the user fails to keep the region clean while it heals.

Infections or other problems can occur in up to 35% of ear piercings. People thinking about getting a daith piercing should consult with a skilled piercer and assess the known hazards against the unknown advantages.

Can Daith Piercing cure Migraine?

What do experts say about this?

The belief that an earring in the ear dubbed a “daith piercing” will stop a migraine has spread like wildfire on social media. This is placed on the inner cartilage and is based on acupuncture principles.

But experts consulted by Revyuh, however, denies that this piercing is related to acupuncture and it cures migraines.

Acupuncture –according to experts– is a widely used therapy in the US and is a part of traditional Chinese medicine.

It consists of the insertion and manipulation of very fine needles (0.2 mm diameter) in the body with the aim of restoring the health of the patient. In the specific case of pain treatment, acupuncture acts through a neuro-reflex stimulation mechanism.

Auricular acupuncture, in particular, involves the insertion of needles into specific sites on the pinna, but unlike “daith piercing,” the tissue integrity of the pinna is preserved.

There will be some who may benefit, but it is not a treatment that we are recommending based on what the studies show right now, according to experts.

What research says about Daith piercing

Although no scientific research has evaluated how well the daith piercing works for anxiety, a small number of studies have tested the piercing as a solution to migraines.

Some of these studies shed light on how piercings may affect anxiety.

In a 2017 case report, a 54-year-old man claimed substantial improvement in his migraine symptoms after undergoing a Daith piercing to treat them.

The authors of the study speculate that the difference could be explained by a placebo effect. They do, however, suggest that the piercing may stimulate vagal afferent neurons. These fibers may disrupt the function of the vagus nerve, which may contribute to anxiety.

Other studies According to a reliable source, vagal afferent fibers may help modify mood, particularly during times of dread and anxiety.

Taken together, these findings imply that if the daith piercing truly stimulates the vagus nerve, it may help alleviate anxiety symptoms.

Furthermore, researchers believe that the vagus nerve plays a function in the interaction between the gut and the brain. For patients who suffer from anxiety that creates physical symptoms such as stomach cramping, activating the vagus nerve may help with symptom relief.

These hypotheses, however, are hypothetical in the absence of data explicitly correlating a daith piercing to enhanced vagal tone or direct vagal stimulation.


There is no strong evidence that suggests that daith piercings can help improve migraine symptoms. This sort of piercing can be difficult to perform and may result in infection and other complications.

If you wish to try an alternative therapy to deal with your migraine attacks, you should look into treatments that have been studied. Acupuncture, auriculotherapy, mindfulness meditation, and biofeedback are all alternatives.

Also, discuss with your doctor any traditional ways that may help relieve migraine pain.

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