Home Health & Fitness Experts named fruit that reduces hypertension “significantly” during sleep

Experts named fruit that reduces hypertension “significantly” during sleep

One popular fruit that keeps high blood pressure under control during sleep.

Experts named fruit that reduces hypertension
Image Credit: Getty

Hypertension is associated with a wide range of dangerous illnesses, making it essential for everyone to keep their blood pressure under control at all times.

Fortunately, the antidotal effects of certain foods make them excellent candidates for use in the treatment of high blood pressure.

Heart attacks and strokes are typical complications of hypertension, and most are deadly. When it comes to controlling hypertension, health organizations recommend making lifestyle modifications as a first resort.

Pistachio nuts, according to one research, can help lower high blood pressure while you sleep.

The study, which was published in the journal of the American Heart Association, involved 30 individuals, all of whom were diabetic at the start of the trial.

The goal of the study was to see how a moderate-fat diet including 20% of daily energy from pistachios compared to a low-fat control diet in terms of blood pressure.

Participants were divided into two groups, the first of which consumed a control diet consisting of low-fat/high-carbohydrate snacks, and the second of which did not.

The second group, on the other hand, ate a moderate-fat diet that included pistachios as the main ingredient.

Both groups followed to their individual diets for four weeks before conducting a series of tests to determine their overall health and fitness.

Subjects’ blood pressure and other markers of cardiovascular disease were measured at the conclusion of the diet period. They also had their heart rate variability and other markers measured.

The researchers found: “The pistachio diet significantly reduced total peripheral resistance, increased cardiac output, and improved some measures of heart rate variability.

“Systolic ambulatory blood pressure was significantly reduced […] following the pistachio diet, with the greatest reduction observed during sleep.”

They concluded: “A moderate-fat diet containing pistachios modestly improves some cardiovascular risk factors in adults with well-controlled type 2 diabetes.”

According to experts interviewed by the Revyuh team, the lowering effects of pistachios on blood pressure are greater than those seen with any other nut.

Earlier studies reported that pistachios contain monounsaturated fatty acids as well as significant concentrations of polysterols, both of which have been shown to have beneficial effects on hypertension.

In an analysis of 21 trials, the authors found that eating pistachios reduced blood pressure by 1.82 mm/Hg at the upper end and 0.8 mm/Hg at the lower end.

The lower value, which is referred to as diastolic pressure, is a measurement of the pressure in the arteries while the heart is at rest between beats of the heart.

During a heartbeat, the top number, known as systolic pressure, measures how much pressure is inside the artery as the heart contracts.

It gives a better idea of how much pressure is on the heart, which can help people figure out if they’ll have a stroke or heart attack, say experts.

Pistachios include the amino acid L-arginine, which is metabolized by the body into nitric oxide, which has further health benefits than lowering blood pressure.

Image Credit: Getty

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