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Four bodily indicators of stress excluding headache you should never ignore – says doctor

Four bodily indicators of stress excluding headache you should never ignore - says doctor
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Everyone experiences stress from time to time, but when it becomes excessive and your mind becomes overburdened with thoughts, stress can show physical symptoms. Here are a few stress-related signs to be aware of.

When we’re stressed, it might manifest itself in a variety of ways.

Aside from the racing thoughts and anxiety that stress causes, it can also cause physical symptoms including headaches, muscle stiffness, and digestive issues.

Dr. McClymont, a lead GP at Livi, a major digital health service in the UK, said:

“Stress is a natural, essential part of our body’s response system.

“It stems from an innate survival instinct that we share with many other animals.

“But long-term stress can cause a multitude of physical symptoms. In turn, these symptoms often make us feel anxious, worried, and even more stressed.”

He went on to say that recognizing indicators of stress and taking steps to minimize it is critical for ending the cycle.

What are the physical manifestations of stress?

Acne and eczema

Because of the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, your skin can frequently break out with acne when you are stressed.

Cortisol causes our bodies to produce more oil.

Inflammation and flare-ups of skin diseases such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis can also be caused by stress.

Dr. Rekha Tailor, a leading cosmetic doctor, stated: “We shouldn’t underestimate the impact stress plays on our daily skincare routines which are often thrown by the wayside in times of stress.”

She recommends maintaining a daily skincare routine, avoiding the use of cosmetics, and eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, good fats, and proteins such as fish to help control your blood sugar and improve the quality of your skin.

Chronic pain and tension headaches

Chronic pain that makes you immobilized is a very typical stress sign.

Stress can frequently induce joint discomfort that mimics arthritis but is undetectable by blood tests or x-rays.

Tension headaches and migraines can also induce paralysis and are unpleasant symptoms.

Dr. McClymont suggests getting enough sleep and keeping regular hours to deal with daily stress and keep it from spiraling out of hand.

He said: “Remember that stimulants like late-night screen time, alcohol, big meals and nicotine can stop us getting to sleep.

“Caffeine can still affect us around 6 hours after drinking it, so cut out the coffee early in the afternoon”.

Stomach issues

You’ve probably noticed that when you’re anxious, you get queasy or have loose stools.

Our stomachs are sensitive organs that respond to hormone imbalances, stress, and a variety of physical and mental health issues with pain, bloating, and occasionally bowel habit changes.

Acid reflux is another frequent digestive problem that can be exacerbated by stress.

When you are anxious, your stomach produces too much acid, which can lead to stomach ulcers, gum disease, and mouth ulcers.

While tweaking your eating habits can benefit, it is sometimes advisable to seek medical attention, especially if you have signs of mouth ulcers.

Changes to weight

Increased cortisol levels prevent our bodies from breaking down fat, making it difficult to shed or maintain weight loss.

Dr McClymont said: “Chronic stress can also make us look for immediate comfort in foods.

“On the other hand, some people find that they have a decreased appetite when stressed, as adrenaline levels – and sometimes the depression that can go hand-in-hand with chronic stress – affects appetite.”

Immune system

Chronic stress can weaken one’s immune system, making them susceptible to colds, flu, and other diseases.

Aisha GKooth’s online counsellor, Aisha Gordon-Hiles, elaborated: “The cells our bodies use to protect us from illness do not like too much cortisol. And when too much cortisol is released, their ability to protect us from illness is reduced. “

How to Deal With stress

Stress can be a helpful motivator at times, but when it starts making you sick and interfering with your everyday tasks, it must be addressed. Phil Day, Superintendent at Pharmacy2U, provides the following stress-reduction tips:

Get involved

Although exercise cannot eliminate or prevent stress, it can assist to reduce the emotional intensity of what you are feeling.

Exercise is a good technique to clear your mind and give you something positive to focus on by causing chemical changes in your brain by elevating your body’s serotonin levels.

Control your breathe

When we are in a stressful environment, our breathing patterns can change and accelerate up.

Controlled breathing is a simple technique for restoring calm that enables you to focus and slow down your breathing patterns.

Inhale via your nose and exhale through your mouth, counting from 1 to 5 on the inhale and outhale, respectively. Rep this process for 3 to 5 minutes.

Stay away from unhealthy habits

To cope with stress, don’t rely on caffeine, alcohol, or smoking.

Caffeine has been linked to sleep disturbances, which can have a negative impact on your general health.

Although drinking or smoking may appear to help relieve tension, these are merely temporary fixes that might lead to more serious problems down the road.

Take command

A common source of stress is the feeling that things have gone out of hand.

Developing time management skills might be beneficial.

Consider making a to-do list that categorizes tasks as “urgent and important,” “not urgent but important,” “urgent but not important,” and “neither urgent nor important.”

Instead of trying to complete too much at once, you can gain a clear picture of the duties at hand this way.

If your symptoms don’t improve after making lifestyle changes, see your doctor to learn more about what’s causing your stress and how to deal with it.

Image Credit: iStock

You were reading: Four bodily indicators of stress excluding headache you should never ignore – says doctor

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