Home Health & Fitness Four foods that help prevent deadly thrombosis

Four foods that help prevent deadly thrombosis

Four foods that help prevent deadly thrombosis
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A sedentary life and even certain drugs can cause the appearance of thrombosis, the name given to the obstruction of a deep vein as a result of a blood clot.

It hinders regular blood flow through the circulatory system.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) usually occurs in the legs, but it can lead to a pulmonary embolism if the clot travels through the bloodstream to the lung.

Some of the causes of clots are: little movement in the legs, either by habit or due to recovery from surgery; walking long distances and some drugs such as birth control pills.

The symptoms of thrombosis manifest in different ways, but it is generally associated with a sensation of swelling or pain in the legs (mainly in the calves), redness or a sensation of heat.

For this reason, Revyuh compiles the dietary recommendations that you can follow to avoid the appearance of thrombosis:

Olive oil

The consumption of extra virgin olive oil helps reduce the appearance of coagulation factor VII by up to 40%, which favors the appearance of thrombosis, according to an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Also, this oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are known for their antithrombotic properties.


Onion helps keep blood cholesterol levels under control. In addition, it is a vegetable with a high content of vitamin A and C, and flavonoids such as quercetin, which makes it a food with antioxidant properties, according to a study by the Complutense University.


Carrots are an adequate source of beta-carotenes, which reduces the risk of heart attacks or problems due to high cholesterol levels, highlights a study by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.


Although not many enjoy its flavor, garlic is also an ally against thrombosis due to its rich content of vitamin B, which helps the proper functioning of blood vessels and coronary arteries.

The University of Hong Kong carried out a study in which it showed that the daily intake of garlic helps to avoid arteriosclerosis events, that is, chronic inflammations in the walls of the arteries.

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