Home Health & Fitness The psyche of people in a pandemic is under the same threat...

The psyche of people in a pandemic is under the same threat as during a war – doctor

The psyche of people in a pandemic is under the same threat as during a war - doctor
Image Credit: Pixabay

Up to 10 million people will need professional psychological support due to the coronavirus pandemic, the leading British psychiatrist predicts

The coronavirus pandemic is damaging mental health in the same way that World War II did – and the negative effects can also last for several years. This was stated by the president of the British Royal College of Psychiatrists Adrian James.

According to the psychiatrist, a person is negatively affected by a number of factors – own illness, illness and death of loved ones, as well as social and economic consequences. Therefore, after the first lockdown in Britain, the number of citizens’ requests for help from psychologists and psychotherapists increased significantly.

“This is going to have a profound effect on mental health. It is probably the biggest hit to mental health since the second world war. It doesn’t stop when the virus is under control and there are few people in hospital. You’ve got to fund the long-term consequences”

Dr James told The Guardian.

At the same time, James predicted that as a result of the COVID pandemic, up to 10 million people will need new or additional mental health support, about 1.3 million more previously healthy people will need treatment for anxiety conditions, and 1.8 million – will need treatment for depression.

In this regard, the expert proposes to make mental health services more accessible for the population, in particular for older people who are at risk and have to remain in self-isolation for a long time.

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