Home Health & Fitness This one sweet can help you fight against cancer, study says

This one sweet can help you fight against cancer, study says

This one sweet can help you fight against cancer, study says

Killer ‘T cells,’ the body’s main weapon against cancer cells, have been shown to be only effective in a magnesium-rich environment in lab trials.

Magnesium, a mineral found in the sweet treat, has been discovered as critical for the body’s immune response by an international team of scientists led by Cambridge University.

Killer ‘T cells,’ the body’s main weapon against cancer cells, have been shown to be only effective in a magnesium-rich environment in lab trials.

And eating dark chocolate, according to research, could help you get more magnesium and fend off cancer.

According to studies, it is also found in green vegetables, wholemeal bread, nuts, avocado and brown rice.

“In order to verify this observation clinically [in patients] we’re now looking for ways to increase magnesium in tumours in a targeted manner,” says Author Prof Christoph Hess, of Basel University in Switzerland.

The hopeful findings, which were published in the journal Cell, included data from actual cancer patients to back up their conclusions.

Immunotherapy therapies for cancer were less successful in people who had low magnesium levels in their blood.

“Dark chocolate isn’t just delicious but very healthy too,” adds nutritional therapist Sarah Brookes, of the Autoimmune Hub.

“It’s rich in magnesium, making it the perfect treat. Most people are deficient in magnesium and getting enough could help with stress, sleep, anxiety and relaxation.

“It is also high in iron, copper, potassium, calcium and phosphorus as well as fibre, antioxidants and plant compounds such as polyphenols and flavanols which are beneficial for your overall gut health.

“It is best to go for bars with over 70% content of the raw cacao ingredient that is key. You can also make drinks such as hot chocolate with cacao powder.”

Magnesium is a mineral that helps in the conversion of food into energy as well as improving bone health.

According to experts, your daily need is 300mg a day for men and 270mg a day for women.

Magnesium can be found in green vegetables, wholemeal bread, nuts, avocado and brown rice, although some people prefer taking supplements.

But be careful, high doses of magnesium (more than 400mg) taken over a short period of time can cause diarrhoea.

There isn’t enough research to predict what the ramifications of ingesting too much magnesium over an extended period of time would be.

Image Credit: Getty

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