Home Health & Fitness Unknown Side Effects of Eating Eggs and Who should not eat them?

Unknown Side Effects of Eating Eggs and Who should not eat them?

Unknown Side Effects of Eating Eggs and Who should not eat them?
Image Credit: iStock

What’s so special about eating eggs? There are so many warnings out there about some serious health issues, regardless of how you eat them.

Eating too many eggs can increase your cholesterol to an unhealthy level—which seems like a bummer, given that eggs are both easy-to-make and nutritious.

According to experts:

Eggs have several health benefits if you’re not intolerant to them.

They’re a great source of protein and they contain vitamins A, B, B12 and D to contribute to a healthy diet.

However, eggs aren’t good for people who have egg intolerance or allergy.

Both conditions can lead to:

adverse reactions like respiratory difficulties, digestive problems and even neurological issues like depression and anxiety

You might have an egg intolerance without even knowing about it because the symptoms take up to 72 hours to appear.

The signs of egg intolerance include:

  • Bloating
  • Stomach aches
  • Lethargy
  • Joint swelling
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Itchiness
  • Rashes

Although eggs are good for you, you don’t need to worry about missing out on all the goodness if you’re intolerant or allergic.

Experts from the York Test say:

The fact that they are healthy and packed with vitamins shouldn’t be the slightest cause for concern for those who are intolerant to them.

There are plenty of egg alternatives available that will help you achieve your recommended intake of such things (oily fish, for instance, will give you plenty of the protein and fats you would ordinarily get from eggs).

They further explain:

It’s a remarkably common belief that eating too many eggs is bad for you, but this isn’t true.

They do contain cholesterol, which is the root of the myth, but it’s HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol that is linked to a risk reduction for the likes of heart disease.

There is no scientifically defined limit on how many eggs you can healthily eat in one day, but as with every type of food, we recommend that you eat them in moderation as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle.

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