Home Health & Fitness Type 2 diabetes: Early Signs of High Blood Sugar You Should Never...

Type 2 diabetes: Early Signs of High Blood Sugar You Should Never Ignore, according to expert

Type 2 diabetes symptoms: Early Signs of High Blood Sugar You Should Never Ignore, according to expert
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Knowing the early signs and symptoms of Diabetes can save your life.

In fact, it’s one of the most common conditions in the US, and the numbers are growing.

Diabetes has become the 7th largest cause of death in the United States.

During its early stages, some patients might not develop any symptoms at all – making it very hard to diagnose.

It can take a long time for people to be diagnosed with diabetes, because the symptoms develop very slowly.

The onset of type 2 diabetes can be gradual, and symptoms can be mild during the early stages

says nutritionist Nicole Galan.

As a result, many people may not realize that they have this condition.

Recognizing the early signs of type 2 diabetes can allow a person to get a diagnosis and treatment sooner.

Getting appropriate treatment, making lifestyle changes, and controlling blood sugar levels can greatly improve a person’s health and quality of life and reduce the risk of complications.

You May Have Extreme Thirst

Some diabetes patients may often feel thirsty, despite drinking plenty of fluids.

High blood sugar causes the body to lose additional water, resulting in dehydration.

You May Have Extreme Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common early signs of diabetes.

Tiredness is caused by not enough sugar moving into the body’s cells from the bloodstream.

You May Have Blurry vision

High blood sugar can impact the tiny blood vessels around the eyes, said the nutritionist.

As a result, diabetes patients may develop blurred vision in one or both eyes.

You May Have Tingling pain

Diabetes can affect the body’s circulation, and damage the blood vessels.

This damage can subsequently lead to a sensation of tingling, particularly in the hands or feet.

You May Have Itching

Persistent itchiness might also be caused by type 2 diabetes, said Galan.

It’s generally caused by yeast infections, as yeast uses excess sugar in the blood and urine as food.

You May Feel Very Hungry

Diabetes patients often don’t get enough energy from the food they eat.

The body struggles to convert sugar in the blood into energy, leading to a constant sensation of hunger.

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