Home Health & Fitness Varicose veins: why do they appear and how to fix them?

Varicose veins: why do they appear and how to fix them?

Varicose veins: why do they appear and how to fix them?

Veins are the blood vessels that return deoxygenated blood to the heart. They are not the same as arteries, which transport oxygenated blood from your heart to your body.

It is common to have some visible veins if you have a lighter skin tone. Certain factors, however, can make your veins appear even more prominent in terms of color and size.

If you have a darker skin tone, it may be more difficult to notice the color of your veins. However, when they grow more visible, their size may become more apparent.

Age, gender, pregnancy, family history, and leg trauma are all risk factors for varicose veins. Standing or sitting for long periods of time might reduce blood circulation in your legs and increase your chance of developing varicose veins.

Many jobs, particularly those in health care or manufacturing, require employees to be on their feet for most of the day.

Most causes of visible veins are temporary and benign. Some causes, like blood clots, are medical emergencies.

Large, tender veins in the legs, achy or swelling in your legs, restless legs, or changes in the color or texture of your skin near ankles are all signs.

If you observe any of the following symptoms, try one or more of the following 7 methods to enhance the health of your legs:

1. Change your position frequently.

Moving is better than standing still. Shift your weight often, and stretch or walk around least every 30 minutes, to keep the blood from settling in your veins.

2. Exercise regularly.

Make exercise a priority when not at work. Regular exercise can strengthen your heart and improve your circulation. Walking and yoga are great ways to encourage blood circulation in your legs.

3. Watch your weight.

Shedding extra pounds takes pressure off your veins. Losing just 10% of your body weight can make a difference.

4. Watch what you wear.

Avoid clothing that is tight around your waist, legs and groin area. Wear low-heeled shoes instead of high heels.

5. Don’t smoke.

If you do, quit. Being smoke-free is good for your veins and overall health.

6. Wear compression stockings.

You can purchase compression stockings at most medical supply stores. Be sure to speak with your health care provider or pharmacist before you purchase stockings, as your legs should be measured for proper fit.

7. Elevate your legs.

Before or after work, raise your legs above your heart for 15 minutes.

There are minimally invasive treatment options if your varicose veins do not respond to these tips. In the past, people with varicose veins were treated with vein stripping, a surgical procedure that produced long scars. Today’s treatment options produce good results, both cosmetic and symptomatic, with little downtime and scarring.

Radiofrequency or laser ablation uses heat or light to damage the vein and cause it to collapse and fade. Another option is sclerotherapy, which injects a solution through a small incision at in the ankle to cause the vein to collapse. After either procedure, most people can return to work the next day and see full results in two months.

— Jared Slater, M.D., is a general surgeon in Mankato and New Prague, Minnesota.

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