Home Scientific Research Low-carb diet helped with metabolic syndrome even without weight loss

Low-carb diet helped with metabolic syndrome even without weight loss

A low-carb diet can improve your condition with metabolic syndrome and without weight loss. It was found out by a study with the participation of 16 people, who for three months sat on diets with a different ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Half of the participants no longer fell under the criteria required for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome.

One of the clear signs of metabolic syndrome is obesity, and in particular – a large accumulation of fat in the waist area. By itself, overweight, however, cannot be considered sufficient for diagnosis: the syndrome also shows insulin resistance and impaired fat and carbohydrate metabolism in the body.

At the same time, the most common treatment for metabolic syndrome is precisely weight loss due to physical exertion and diet. Scientists led by Parker Hyde from Ohio State University decided to test whether a change in diet can affect metabolic syndrome without losing weight.

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The study participants (there were 16 in total: everyone was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome) for three months, in turn, sat on three diets: low, high, and medium carbohydrate in relation to fats and proteins. To maintain their original body weight, they needed to consume 2,950 kilocalories daily. There was a two-week period between all three diets, during which participants could eat as they used to.

The percentage of protein (PRO), fat (FAT) and carbohydrates (CHO) in three diets
The percentage of protein (PRO), fat (FAT) and carbohydrates (CHO) in three diets

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Scientists have found that, compared with other diets, low-carbohydrate nutrition has a positive effect on getting rid of the symptoms of the metabolic syndrome: the process of fat oxidation has improved (p <0.001), the concentration of fats decreased (p = 0.006), the level of glucose (p = 0.023) and lipoproteins high density (the so-called “good” cholesterol – p = 0.009) in the blood. As for the absolute figures, half of the participants after a four-week low-carb diet no longer fell under the criteria necessary for the diagnosis of the syndrome. Interestingly, the effect was observed even though the low carbohydrate diet also differed in its very high fat content. The weight of the participants during the experiment did not change.

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Based on the results of their experiment, scientists have suggested that the leading indicator of metabolic syndrome is not an increase in fat mass, but an inability to normal absorption of carbohydrates. Therefore, a decrease in carbohydrate intake, in their opinion, can have a positive impact on human health and reduce the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, which often accompany metabolic syndrome.

Nutrition can also affect other signs of metabolic syndrome. A month ago, another group of scientists showed that daily consumption of dried blueberries, equivalent to 150 grams of fresh berries, can significantly improve heart health.

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Via | JCI Insights



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