Home App Microsoft Task Manager: what is there To Do today?

Microsoft Task Manager: what is there To Do today?

Task Manager - Windows To Do App for daily activities

What is there to do today? Microsoft has released an app designed specifically to answer this question, allowing you to organize your activities according to your preferences: work things, things at home, things to buy, movies to see or more, all pinned and at your fingertips. The app is called “To Do” and nothing else is but the evolution of the previous “To-Do” based on the import of features that Microsoft is performing following the acquisition of Wunderlist.

Microsoft To Do

The application goes beyond the traditional use of the calendar, positioning itself closer to the user’s needs and integrating with other apps (Outlook, Planner, Cortana, but also Alexa) to provide notifications and ad hoc organizational processes throughout the day. To Do is therefore designed precisely to collect ideas, passing them from simple intuition to cloud storage for subsequent convenient and multi-platform access.

The innovations relate above all to the design, allowing an easy customization of the cards for a more intuitive access and a more efficient organization. Little by little, however, there is also the absorption of the typical features of Wunderlist, the app on which Microsoft has built its evolutionary work.

What seems difficult at this point is also inheriting the community of the previous app: the birth of the new To Do will have to be an opportunity to move users from the old to the new app, but the pressure of the old developer (who is asking on social networks to buy back Wunderlist to keep it alive) represents a small obstacle that Microsoft would have gladly done without.

Microsoft To Do, accessible as much from Android as from iOS and Windows 10, is also available in a web app version.



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