You should not use N95 masks more than or after this, says CDC

    You should not use N95 masks after this, says CDC and experts
    You should not use N95 masks after this, says CDC and experts

    If you see any of these changes in your mask, it’s time to stop using it, suggests an expert.

    Can you re-use your N95 mask multiple times?

    You should be able to use N95s and KN95s a few times depending on the situation.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, health-care professionals can wear an N95 mask up to five times. However, experts suggest that the average person’s ability to securely wear one will vary depending on how it’s used.

    For example, wearing the same mask on a quick trip to the grocery store is much different than wearing it all day at work.

    According to Richard Flagan, who studies masks and aerosols at the California Institute of Technology, the length of time a mask is worn is more essential than the frequency with which it is used.

    In general, he advises using an N95 mask for no more than two or three days.

    Particles collect on the N95 mask with each inhalation, according to Flagan. If the mask has trapped a lot of particles, this could make breathing more difficult.

    “They are degrading the performance of the mask,” Flagan said.

    The mask’s elastic band may also wear out and no longer fit as tightly around your face. It’s also possible that it will become dirty or damp, especially if you use it while exercising.

    Even if you’ve just used it for a few hours, if you see any of these changes in your mask, it’s time to stop using it. Because N95 masks cannot be washed, they should be discarded once they are no longer usable.

    Image Credit: Getty

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