Home Uncategorized A flight attendant performs a daring trick on board an airplane

A flight attendant performs a daring trick on board an airplane

A flight attendant performs a daring trick on board an airplane
Image: Pixabay

This is the impressive moment when a flight attendant shows off her remarkable acrobatic skills when it comes to closing the plane’s overhead compartments with the help of her high heels.

Lindsey O’Brien grabbed her armrests before turning upside down and using her feet to close four overhead luggage compartments. Then she turned down the aisle, also using her arms, and raised them triumphantly as her companions applauded her.

The video was filmed in June aboard a plane that had been immobilized in her hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“I used to do yoga and I was a cheerleader as a child, so my core is pretty strong, and I had to see if I could do it,” explained Lindsey, who has been a flight attendant for six and a half years.

The woman also admitted that she tried to do it about 20 times before getting a perfect video. Every time I did, one of the compartments would not close.

She says the video helped disconnect from work as a flight attendant during the pandemic.

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