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Robert Iger The CEO of Disney explains why the group didn’t buy Twitter

CEO Disney explains why the group dismissed the idea of ​​acquiring Twitter, after having gone close to it: Robert Iger talks about an extraordinary filth.

Robert Iger The CEO of Disney explains why the group didn't buy Twitter

In the book “The Ride of a Lifetime”  just published by Robert Iger, the number one of Disney tells his almost 15 years at the helm of the group, focusing on some moments in particular. Among these, as reported during an interview with the New York Times, also the negotiation for the acquisition of Twitter, not successful due to various problems: potential negative repercussions for the brand and, above all, what is defined an extraordinary dirt.

Disney: why the acquisition of Twitter was missed

The reference is obviously to a part of the contents shared by the users of the platform, often ended also in the viewfinder of the authorities for the activity of its community, not always in line with the principles of a civil and respectful comparison.

In this regard, just today Twitter announces an update of the policies regarding financial scams, defining new rules to be respected to protect the community. These are the words of Iger, useful for understanding why the negotiation did not end with a handshake between the parties.

The problems were greater than those I was willing to endure, bigger than I thought it was in our responsibilities. There were problems for the Disney brand, the impact of technology on society. The dirt is extraordinary.

Disney has decided to make its own Twitter by seeing in the social network an effective means to reach potential new customers, perhaps in order to take them to its new streaming service, the Disney +.

Iger, president of Disney since 2000 and CEO since 2005, was the first to take on the acquisitions of Pixar (2006), Marvel (2009), Lucasfilm (2012) and 21st Century Fox (2017). He will leave his positions at the head of the group in 2021.

Via | The Ride of Lifetime available on Amazon



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