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These Symptoms Mean You Have Type 2 diabetes Not Long Covid, Says Doctor

These Symptoms Mean You Have Type 2 diabetes Not Long Covid, Says Doctor
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Expert warns Long Covid and Type 2 diabetes have many common symptoms and you should be on the lookout for these missing symptoms of diabetes that can lead to Ketoacidosis.

According to experts, patients who have recovered from Covid infection may suffer from Long Covid and may experience fatigue, headache, brain fog, and muscle aches that might be similar to those of Type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Sarah Brewer from CuraLife explained the dangers of missed symptoms and the similarities between symptoms of type 2 diabetes and long Covid.

Dr. Brewer says that when glucose levels are persistently up, glucose molecules become irreversibly bound to proteins in the circulation.

She explains:

This damages small and large blood vessels and hastens hardening and furring up of the arteries.

Because glucose can’t enter muscle and fat cells properly, cell metabolism also becomes abnormal and this can contribute to rising blood pressure and cholesterol imbalances.

If blood glucose levels rise above a certain level, sugar is lost in the urine leading to weight loss and dehydration.

Very high blood glucose levels (as can occur especially with type 1 diabetes) can result in a dangerous condition known as ketoacidosis which arises due to a combination of the dehydration and abnormal cell metabolism.

Type 2 diabetes symptoms that could be similar to long Covid

So-called Long Covid is associated with symptoms such as fatigue, headache, brain fog, muscle aches, persistent shortness of breath and, in some cases, diarrhoea or loss of smell and taste.

advised Dr Brewer.

Of these, fatigue, headache and brain fog might occur with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes.

“Other symptoms that can occur with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes include frequent urination, thirst, increased hunger, tingling or numbness, blurred vision, and recurrent infections such as thrush, boils and cystitis.”

Image Credit: Getty

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